Self Motivation

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3 years ago

Stumbled upon this contest and decided to give my best shot.

Topic : Self motivation

Key words : Cooking, laugh out loud and Create Power Surge (Cps)

There's something about success that requires a high level of determination. It's either you have it or you don't and if you don't, you're marked out for failure.

Nobody actually ever succeeded without determination.

Sustaining determination will usually require motivation from lots of sources such as your family, friends and those who believe in your dream. It's generally from those who believe in your dream but are you totally depending on them for motivation?

What if it gets to a point where your dream becomes blurry to others and you receive little or no encouragement for the sake of it?

Will you be willing to remain determined and consistent?

This question is a clarion call for self motivation.

You've got to be able to muster up motivation for yourself and by yourself no matter what. Afterall, it's your dream and you got the whole picture.

So how can you motivate yourself?

I honestly cannot tell you. You got to discover where and how you personally find inspiration and motivation.

Mine is usually through music, Cooking, meditation, strolling, comedy, landscape viewing and some others.

So you've got to CPS for yourself. CPS means 'Create Power Surge.' You've got to look for and tap into your own source.

You can do this by identifying your strengths and learning how to use them as tools for motivation.

You can also the things you love as ways to clear the air of discouragement and press on.

For instance, I love writing. So whenever I am bored or lack enthusiasm, I write about it personally and soon after that, it fades away.

In the process of writing, I actually begin to see reasons to not quit.

I love music. Whenever I lack enthusiasm, I know just the right songs to look for if I need inspiration and motivation.

I know the videos to watch and the audios to listen to.

Cooking also is a source of motivation to me, Laugh out loud, It might sound funny but thats the truth, I just enter the kitchen to make my best meal and suddenly gets motivated.

Even if I lack the enthusiasm to read a book, I do not find it hard working with visuals and audios, it also helps in cooking up the mind for greatness.

Identify yours!

Whenever you begin to become low in energy as regards whatever you're doing that you believe in, you should Create a Power Surge for yourself.

You should believe strongly in your ability and in the veracity of your dream.

If you understand the 'Why' behind what you do, then you won't really give up easily. In fact, you won't!

You can source for motivation rather than waiting for it to come. It's everywhere. It's on the radio, tv, in a book, on the internet, in God's word, on the lips of men and women and it's in your heart.

Believe in yourself!

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3 years ago


NYC Article.

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3 years ago

Thanks a lot bro, you write great articles too.

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3 years ago

Your article is great!😊

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3 years ago

Awwwn thanks miss izabelle , thanks for taking out time to read.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're welcome. Keep it up.😊

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3 years ago

Well done, now up to the real contest. See the community Alcohol effects and the prompts are written in the tagline. The deadline is July 6th - midnight London time. 👍🍀💕

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3 years ago

Already written about Alcohol effects

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3 years ago