I have studied my life and seen a pattern I believe I should be grateful to God for. If this pattern is actively functional in your life, then bless God for it.
All my life up till this point, God has accurately positioned special people just at the right time around me to save me in several regards from temptations ahead and to aid my exposure to the prerequisite equipments I require to do battle during the days ahead.
I am really grateful to God for this - for sending me men and women; some weird, some harsh, some calm, some controversial and some are like hybrids. But in all, I love them all and I'm being blessed by their own substance.
Why don't we all take out some quiet time to especially think about all that we can remember of all that He has done?
Why don't we just spend time to really worship and thank Him for all we can or cannot remember?
That may just be the key to that next level you desire!
Put your faith to the test, taste and see that the Lord is good.