Do you want to fulfil your visions and aspirations? Eat for the journey is far!
Do you wanna build profitable influence and undeniably impact lives? Eat for the journey is far!
Do you wanna fulfil your purpose and mandate in life? Eat for the journey is far!
Do you want your name to be engrafted into the list of those who made a historic difference? Eat for the journey is far!
Whatever your desires and goals are, you should eat because getting there will take an uncommon and unusual amount of energy.
You need to feed those desires.
You need to grow and substantially trap mental and spiritual energy for the journey ahead.
Have you seen those athletes who take glucose for energy? They understand this thing!
If you wan blow, make sure you eat and get fat, for the journey is far.
If you do not eat enough, you may never be able to say just like Apostle Paul: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course and I have kept the faith!"
Nice and cool article, thanks for this