5 Challanges faced by Entrepreneurs | 2

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3 years ago

Dear friend

Good Afternoon

Yesterday I told you I was going to share with you top 5 Challenges faced by Entrepreneurs and I said I was gonna share one daily..

You can read yesterday's post by clicking on the below link..


Today I'm here to share with you the second challenge...

2. Choosing what to sell

The challenge: You know you could make a large amount of money if you just knew what products and services to sell. You’re just unsure how to pick a niche and start selling.

Here's the solution to that challenge..

The solution: Admit that you’re weak in identifying prosperous niches, and delegate the task to someone who is strong in this area.

You don’t have to hire a huge, expensive marketing firm; rather, recruit a freelance researcher who has experience in whatever type of field you’re considering entering (retail e-commerce, service industry, publishing, etc.).

Have them conduct market research and create a report with suggested niches, backed by potential profit margins and a complete SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

This isn’t to say you should have someone else decide for you; however, if you’re not good at identifying niches it’s a good idea to have someone who is make suggestions.

You can then analyze the suggestions for yourself to determine if you agree. Taking this step now can save you a lot of time, money and hassles later — and it can save your entire business and livelihood.

Let me help you a little..

There are 3 main Niches that guarantees money..

1. Make Money Niche

2. Health Niche

3. Relationship Niche

These three niches have proven to work overtime, they also have sub-niches under them..

Just do your research and you'll get a clearer understanding..

Always sell what people need/want not what you like..

Have a nice day ahead..

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3 years ago
