Human capital Development in Nigeria- using Singapore as a case study

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The subject of Human capital development raises questions of necessity. It is something that has been done for many years for several reasons. Defined by Acquinas (1984) as a process of enhancing skills productivity, knowledge and values of people through helping them achieve better living in their environment. The more a nation has knowledgeable, skilled and resourceful individuals contributing to national growth and development, the higher the value of the human capital of that nation. Recently, Government and private individuals are feeling more obliged to invest in human capital and with the advancement of technology and other discoveries, the need to improve human capital has become an issue for them. The current crisis has birth an array of responses, including searching for solutions, reworking regulations and massive capital injection.

Singapore is ranked 1 out of 157 countries in the Human development index released in 2018 by the World Bank and it was ranked 9 out of 189 countries in the Human development index released by The United Nations Development Programme also in 2018. Singapore seceded from British on the 31st of August 1963. Together with Malaysia they formed The Federation of Malaysia. Due to continuous unrest Singapore gained formal independence on August 9, 1965. After independence Singapore Continue to experience problems, much of the city-state's Three million people were unemployed. More than two-thirds of its population was living in slums and squatter settlements on the city's fringe. The Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew sought international assistance, but his pleas went unanswered, leaving Singapore to fend for itself, In contrast to Singapore's enviable development, Nigeria is close to the bottom of the aforementioned indices; 152 out of 157 countries in the former, and 157 out of 189 countries in the latter. Nigeria have more Human resources and Natural resources than Singapore, how then did a country wallowing on the verge of total collapse become a force to reckon with in the world economic, while Nigeria continue to struggle at the bottom? The major tools used by Singapore are Education, Health improvement and fight against corruption. Nigeria on the other hand have failed woefully in these key areas. We can't continue to dwell on; what should be or what should have been, it is high time for all levels of Government to re-focused, re-strategized and had a drastic rethink and overhaul of our policies

However, without a clear understanding of the cause, the remedies may do more harm than good. Being aware of one's weaknesses better equip people to "Challenge themselves to apply new skills and improve themselves through practice" (P303, Komives & wagner). The most important aspect in human capital development and major agent of Economy growth is the Education sector. Insufficient fund and inadequate planning has been the problem deteriorating our Education system. Singapore developed its Human resources by setting up many technical schools and paid international corporations to train their unskilled workers in information technology, petrochemicals and Electronics. Provision was also made for those who could not get industrial jobs. The government enrolled them in labor-intensive un-tradable services, such as tourism and transportation. If we can also follow these steps the great result achieve by them is not far-fetched. The money budgeted and invested in our Education sector is not enough, even with the increase in this amount in the 2016, 2017 and 2018 budgets, loopholes can still be seen. Many graduates come out from the Universities and polytechnics with only theoretical knowledge of the course they are Studying, they have little or no knowledge of the practical aspects. Truly, various Private and Public firms and industries fulfill their corporate social responsibility by providing scholarships for students to further their education outside the shores of the country, but when this students' foundation is bad, how can they cope with their counterparts over there?, For whatsoever they have learnt here will serve as a bedrock for further studies. Moreover, sending 10 out of every 100 students abroad is a good initiative, but creating a good learning environment for the whole 100 to learn right here in Nigeria is a better initiative. Providing standard Education at all levels; both the grassroots and higher education level should be the goal, the provision of Free universal Basic Education (UBE) should be re-ignited, international professionals and corporations should be set up to train our unskilled workers. If all these are done not only will our Gross domestic product (GDP) increase, new inventions and technologies will begin to surface. For Education paves the path for Economic growth of a country.

It is an open secret that the state of our medical centres and Hospitals are nothing to write home about. Doctors threatening to go on strike at intervals due to unpaid salaries and bad working conditions, issues of insufficient bed and equipments are regular problems facing our health sector. For any nation's Economy, the health of its citizens plays a vital role. Singapore developed its health system by maintaining a Public-Private balance, its universal health coverage system is largely overseen by the Government's Ministry of health, but it includes support from citizens and the private sector. Its health financing scheme epitomizes good governance. Other instruments used include; Integrated financing scheme of taxation, Savings and regulation of both public and private health insurance in the country, with these schemes, not only did they achieve high quality healthcare system, the money spent on healthcare is lowest among the high income countries in the world. If we can imitate this steps in little time we will have good working conditions in our hospitals and Doctors salaries will be paid as at when due, for if the current trend of the Rich traveling out of the country for treatment, and our best Doctors and medical graduates traveling out of the country for greener pasture, the GDP of the country will continue to fall. Government hospitals should be equipped with up to date machines and equipments, enough staff should be employed, health talk outreach should be intensified and free treatment should be available to the citizens. All these can be achieved by encouraging private individuals to invest in the health sector, insurance policies and awareness should be provided for workers and also the money allocated to the health sector in the Country's budget should be increased.

Corruption has for very long time been a menace to our Country, cases of Government officials at federal, state, and local level embezzling funds meant for public use is gradually becoming a regular tale. No matter the amount of money pumped into any sector; Education, Health, Power, transportation and others, once there is corruption in any department the growth of such sector will be stunted. Effort has been made by previous and present government to curb this menace. Singapore faced this issue too at one point, but through strict and strategic planning it was eradicated to the minimum. Two key legislations were used to fight corruption; the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA), and the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (CDSA). The PCA has a wide scope which applies to persons who give or receive bribes in both the public and private sector. The CDSA, when invoked, confiscates ill-gotten gains from corrupt offenders. Together, the two laws ensure that corruption remains a high-risk low-rewards activity. Upon the conclusion of investigations by the CPIB, all alleged corruption cases will be handed over to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), the prosecutorial arm of the Singapore Criminal Justice System, to obtain the Public Prosecutor’s consent to proceed with Court proceedings. With the system put in place, fear of the repercussion of any form of corruption made both Government officials and civil workers to abide by laid down code of conducts. We can also achieve this level of Discipline and accountability by laying sanctions and punishment for offenders, there should be Checks for everyone no matter the title or position held. The fight against corruption should be impartial, and the responsible board for this activity should be funded and given the required platform to work without interference. If we can have effective laws, independent judiciary, effective enforcement and a responsive public service, underpinned by strong political will and leadership in little time the monster called corruption tormenting our country Nigeria will be defeated.

Finally, Nigeria is blessed abundantly with Natural resources, fertile land, favourable weather and Human resources. If a country with not as much resources as ours, with severe unemployment, poor infrastructure, and a housing shortage In about 50 years ago can be predicted to invest an expected amount of S$1 billion in education yearly by world bank, with our resources we can do even better, if we develop our human resources. The good which human capital development will bring about is over a long term, all hands must be on deck to see to the success of the country. It is amazing what a little effort here and there can do. The government has to take all these into consideration and make the necessary changes. And it brings no shame to learn from other nations. This will even boast our experience, skill, and expertise. And we can rise to the level where other countries will come to us to learn. Nigeria can do this.


— Aquinas, T. (1984). Somma Edition Edu.cert. vol 1 & 2

— ( United nations development Programm) Human Development index 2018.

— › profiles › SGP

Singapore - | Human Development Reports - UNDP › blog › stor...

The Story of Singapore — David Perell

World Bank in Singapore

— Leadership For a Better World (Second Edition): Komives, S. R., Wagner, W., & Associates...

— ( Source: The world bank) Human development index 2018.

— Quartz creative (Article on Lee kuan yew school of public policy)

$ 0.20
$ 0.20 from @ChristinaMadart


Bad government has always been our problem in nigeria. I believe if individual firms can also get involve in human development, we will get better. You spoke well in your write up, well done bro

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2 years ago