I hope you are doing fine.
Please avoid if there are any mistakes as I am not a professional writer.
Five years ago, I was watching a WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) episode, in which a seven-year-old Kiara Grindrod meet WWE Superstars. John Cena and Sting. They welcomed her like she was some kind of a hero. It made me think why these superstars are honoring this kid. And the amount of respect they have for this kid, does she deserve that respect. She has not achieved anything exceptional. It’s very sad that she got cancer but happily, she is cancer-free and healthy now.
I was the dumbest person at that moment. I had no idea about cancer treatment procedures. That was my stupid thinking at that time.
Unfortunately, I learned the lesson the hard way. I started having severe headaches. Those headaches were very intense and sudden. I got an appointment with a Neurosurgeon. He suggested me MRI and after a complete report, it was diagnosed that I have puss-filled swelling in my brain. After viewing the report, it was like the ground beneath my feet, slips away. It was an extremely anxious moment for me because I have never suffered from such a deadly disease. My anxiety was exacerbated by the doctor saying that it could be cancer. I had to go through two major surgeries; one for removal of puss, tumor, and skull bone infected by infection, and other surgery was performed for placing mesh inside. Fortunately, it was a benign tumor after the biopsy report came. The treatment took 1.8 years and it is still going on at the same very moment while I am writing this article.
The purpose of writing about my illness in such detail is to make you guys feel and understand the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual state of a person suffering from a serious disease.
Quality of Life affected By Cancer
Quality of life becomes worsen for cancer patients. Imagine a person with psychological problems like stress, depression, difficulties to meet basic demands; some physiological side-effects - hair loss, pain, tiredness, nausea, vomiting; some Social obstacles like social isolation. Changes in body image as many cancer patients have major amputations and major body changes in physical function can maximize the lack of self-esteem. Which will lead the patient to avoid social interaction.
Fortunately, it was a narrow escape for me from cancer. But after two brain surgeries, I will face some lifetime complications like tiredness, change in mood, anxiety, not remembering things, unable to concentrate sometimes, feeling dizzy sometimes, minor headaches, etc. Now imagine how worse will be the condition of a cancer survivor or patient who goes through so many difficult and harmful therapies and major surgeries.
Disappointment from Family & Friends (Sometimes)
Cancer affects not only the patient but also the family of a patient. Family may react in a different way. Some families are very supportive and some start acting differently towards the patient. In my case, I felt extremely worse when I was fully dependent on my family. I never wanted to put my burden on someone else. I know, asking for help is ok but I considered it a weakness. And according to my opinion, many patients who are self-sufficient will consider in need of others tough and painful.
Also, constant pain can sometimes make a person angry, sad, or frustrated. Sometimes, the family fails to understand that feeling of emotions which leads the patient to have the feelings of being alone.
Painful Treatment of cancer
Any type of pain, not just cancer pain, can affect all parts of a person's life. Some days it may be better or worse than others.
Cancer itself causes enough pain. Different surgeries, treatments, and tests are conducted in different types of cancer which can cause unimaginable pain. Joint pain, Muscle pain, Bone pain, Skin reactions, abdominal pains, chest pains, headaches are the different forms of pain during the tough therapies of cancer.
You cannot imagine the worst feeling of a person going through any kind of these pains and he must cope with most of the pain for a lifetime.
Coping With Pain
Not only cancer pain but any type of pain can affect all parts of a person's life. Day-to-day activities are affected as you cannot function well if you have pain. Sleeping and eating might feel difficult. And anyone can feel frustrated, sad, and angry if he is in pain.
It takes a lot of Determination to Battle Cancer
Cancerous cells are cells that have gone rogue. A person battling cancer means he has to fight his own body to take charge of it. It takes a lot of determination, strength, and spirit to fight and survive cancer. Those who don't have extreme power of will to live cannot survive it.
In the last,
Now you guys correct me if I am wrong. Should we consider cancer survivors and those who are still in the battle with cancer, a hero? Survivors, who have gone through such emotional trauma and pain and battlers, who are still going through tough emotional, physical, and psychological phases of their life, should we consider them heroes?
I consider them heroes and they need our support and love. They deserve our respect.
Imagine, a kid, whose age is to play and enjoy life, is battling cancer. In the age where he must be loved and shown affection by everyone, is going through extremely painful procedures. In the age where he does not even know what life means, is finding how hard life can be. If that kid survived all those tough experiences, he smiles through it and starts enjoying life again. That kid was a warrior while he was fighting cancer and is a hero after surviving it. And sadly, if he failed to survive, he died as a hero.
I tried to reflect on the tough and emotional life of cancer survivors and battlers. I hope I have accurately and perfectly portrayed the state of mind of both.
Thank you for reading this article
Would love to view your opinions and suggestions in the comment section.
Be strong man! Don't let your environment stress you. Always think that you can recover because our mind is powerful.