What is keyboard?

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3 years ago

Keyboard is the most commonly used input device.It allows a user to type,alphabet,numbers or symbols into the computer .It has small butons called keys.The keys are laid out in the qwerty pattern.Now look at the keyboard again qwerty are the letters on the top left of the key board.

A standard keyboard can be divided into following section.

1:Function Keys

2: Alphanumeric Keys

3: Numeric Keypad

4: CursorControl

Function Keys:

The function keys are located at the top of the keyboard.The purpose of these key is based on the software we are using. For example,pressing the F1 key opens the help screen in windows.

Alphanumeric Keys:

Alphanumeric keys are the collection of letters,numbers and punctuation keys.This section. also includes some special keys,the tab,Caps Lock,Back Space,Enter,Shift,ctrl and alt keys.

Numeric keys:

The numeric keypad is usally located on the right side of a standard keyboard.This section contains digit keys and mathematical operator keys(+,-,*,/).

Cursor Control/ Navigation Keys:

Cursor control keys consists of arrowkeys,insert,delete,home,end,page up,and page down keys. These keys are used to move cursor within the text.

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