Legend of Cows and Buffaloes

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4 years ago

Cow and buffalo have always been close friends. They are both farmers' assistants in the field work. They are hardworking and obedient to their employers no matter how hard the farm works.

But there is a story about two when one day they were hired. In the early days the first cattle and buffalo were assigned by Bathala to assist the farmer in the farm work. Like their boss, cow and carabao are hardworking.

They do not worry about the weight of the plow and the heat of the day on the farm work. Everyday animals do this every day. They could rest only at night. One night after the farm work the farmer's pets were together. They talked about what they did in the whole afternoon.

The two have since noticed the story of other animals that they were the only ones who had toiled all day working on the farm. Meanwhile other animals do nothing but play or eat. It looks like the chicken has been out all day looking for caterpillars to eat, or maybe the duck is just swimming in the river and a goat doing nothing but eating grass.

The next day, because of what had been heard from the other animals, the two agreed to rest that day. Instead of working they would go to the adjacent river to bathe. They kept the peasant asleep and quietly removed the plows and headed for the river.

The two removed their skins and slammed them into the tree and jumped into the river. But the peasant suddenly woke up and saw that the two were missing. He searched for them and he found them on the river having a good time bathing. The farmer took his rod and approached two friends.

The cow and the buffalo were surprised to see the farmer approaching them. The two quickly stood up and put their skin on the tree. But out of haste and fear, the two exchanged skin. Because the buffalo was fat the cow's skin was tight. While the cow's skin is loose, the skin is attached to the neck.

Two of the farmers begged for forgiveness. He forgave them but as a punishment the two did not make the peasants change their skin. This also reminds the two not to be lazy and do the assigned work.

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4 years ago
