Personal Branding

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Avatar for Unity
Written by
2 years ago

Do you have your self-selected and custom profile photo?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a Live session with Jennifer Grant, a Brand Expert from Canada. The topic of the conversation was "Personal Branding." Maybe, personal branding may seem to be a bit off-topic.

Graphics: A GIF created using copyright-free images obtained by an Internet search with the key phrases, "Good, Bad, Dummy, Bot, Common, Celebrity Profile Pics"​.

Now, I find most people on ReadCash, including myself, are not interested to disclose their real-life profile pic. I know my reason but not that of the other bloggers.

Exceptions are observed here. We often see actual photos/videos of @Jane, @Eybyoung , @rebeysa85 , @ArteFM , @scottcbusiness, and more creators.

My first ReadCash identity (with my real-life photo) was auto-flagged for two long months (without my knowledge) with almost zero algorithmic tips. Then, after two long months of hesitations, I decided to reappear with a new digital identity.

I remain the same inside because I own the same human persona, with the same scientific, technological, and social outlook. I will again appear with my real-world identity soon. Maybe, now with videos, music, on-road engagements, and more variety of content.

I find many bloggers with "No bio yet" or hashtag "bio" s

Recently, I wrote a comment and requested a new blogger to write a tagline sort of "bio" at the top of the ReadCash profile. Some take it in a positive spirit and write some texts. Most others think my requests are rubbish. They are correct with their views.

Who am I to request them to change their "No bio yet" and enter a tagline bio?

There are some bloggers with hashtag "bio" s. I have used quotes to avoid the word "bios," which is related to computer booting programs. Interestingly, I exchanged messages with the inventor of the "Hashtag" and asked several questions on hashtags. He doesn't seem to give much importance to hashtags!

In the beginning, I used a default profile pic; later, I changed it

In the beginning, I didn't have any customized profile pic. I used the ReadCash offered default profile pic. It was not good at all. Even I didn't yet disclose my real-world identity; I should use a customized profile pic that matches my name and tagline "bio" on my ReadCash profile. It is my logical thinking.

Use a customized profile pic. It can be your real photo or any other image you wish to asscociate with your blogging profile. In my humble experience, I think that a custom profile pic can help to enhance your blogger image.

Some people use a pic with their children. Parents should love their children. But, bringing them as profile pics doesn't make any meaning with their blogging profile. Others use their pets in the profile pic. I also saw profile pics with sunglasses. Maybe, these bloggers are shy to show their eyes!

Importance of a profile photo

Many of you may ask: What is the importance of a profile photo?

There is, of course, some weightage on your blogger profile photo. When other creators engage with your articles, they first look at your profile photo. If the profile pic is a default ReadCash image, one can't identify you in the crowd of many bloggers.

Moreover, the visual presence of the blogger can yield better engagements.

How can people engage with you without your profile pic? The visual presence matter a lot. It is like talking on the phone with an unknown person. It is similar to listening to a radio show. That is why audio podcasts people show photos of the guest and the podcaster. People now prefer video communication to audio-only ones. It is the same reason.

Bringing it altogether

A custom profile photo constitutes an integral part of a profile of a blogger.

  • A profile photo is an essential constituent of a blogger's profile.

  • A profile photo can make an impact on audience engagement.

  • A profile photo is a personal brand image of a blogger.

  • The short bio or tagline also adds value to personal branding.

Don't ignore your profile photo and the brief "bio" ...

"No bio yet" portrays a passive attitude of the blogger!

May I request my ReadCash VIP connections to offer their opinions?

@Amjad_Ali_Waince @Ayane-chan  @cmoneyspinner   @Duvinca  @Diana_ @Ellehcim  @ErdoV  @Janz  @nomadghada  @Oikawa  @Olasquare  @Queen01  @SolarPhasing  @sj0820  @Talecharm

All names have appeared in alphabetical order.


I practice STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. I also develop solutions for password and cybersecurity relevant to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

You may follow my writing communities and submit relevant articles:

Thanks to my sponsors, whose names appear in the "Sponsor" pannel.

I wish all members of the blogging community strive here and elsewhere.


Lead Image:  I created an animated GIF with copyright-free images available by Google search with "Good, Bad, Dummy, Bot, Common, Celebrity Profile Pics"​.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

Unite and Empower Humanity.

I am also on Noise.Cash ... click the link if you are there.

February 18, 2022.

$ 14.66
$ 14.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.06 from @Ellehcim
$ 0.05 from @SolarPhasing
+ 12
Sponsors of Unity
Avatar for Unity
Written by
2 years ago


My profile picture is actually a real picture of me, which I then drew and as a musician and a cartoonist I liked it, because it represents for me the two things I like to do, plus there's my hair at that time in the form of an afro, so I like the combination of all these elements: 1 It comes from a real photo 2 I have drawn it by myself 3 I have the representation that I am a musician 4 It comes out the way I like my hair 5 It reveals who I am or what I like, but at the same time it doesn't show what I look like physically because it doesn't show the real photo.

The biography after a lot of thinking was that I decided to place it, since I have been doing several things I did not feel satisfied with what I was going to write, so I had to place something that really represented me with words and not just with a photo or a drawing, in my case.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You have a uniquely designed profile photo and a custom bio that tells about you. I applaud your brand image as a writer here. Well done, and a big thanks for spending your valuable time currency ( to write an insightful comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My profile pic was the first thing I did as this is what I usually do. As for the bio it truly lends to a more descriptive of who you are. I had completely forgotten to update my "Bio" here on Read.Cash, luckily I was so kindly reminded of this. I totally agree that our "image" is our branding very similar to what a "logo" is to our product.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree that profile pics are like logos. I like bloggers with real-life profile pic and a very brief bio. Since my first user account with the real name, profile pic, and bio was auto-flagged within a couple of days of joining, I didn't have any other choice to experiment with a digitally meaningful profile. I will soon connect my real-world identity with this account.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, I was not aware of this. How can your profile photo be flagged? Because I am using my real name and photo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not the photo, but the account was auto-flagged (<s>-<p>-<a>-<m>) by the platform algorithm. Then, that account won't get any algorithmic tips from the platform!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh ok, understood :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And, NEVER post multiple articles in a day! You may be auto-flagged by the algorithm! Try to post only ONE article a day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I know but I risked it as yesterday was a day that I could dedicate my time and attention to blog. Sadly with my craft and filling orders I can't blog on a daily basis. But when things settle I want to create a schedule where I can master and enjoy both.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You may keep the completed draft articles and click publish on separate days. Clicking the publish button on different days will take only a few seconds.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, didn't see that feature. Maybe too distracted in copy/paste from my google docs to here. Long story made short, I then don't need to use google docs then. Cool!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can keep (1) draft articles on ReadCash, or (2) drafts on your computer or Google Docs. Keeping drafts on your computer is the best option.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it is an issue with many accounts. I have been trying to figure out the cause. Be cautious, and follow all the rules of the publication policy (check it word by word). Never use external texts, graphics, or videos without mentioning the reference/link/citation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have friends here who preferred to stay with their bots profile picture. 🤣, I change my picture from time to time, as this platform has become my other self, because I share many things here. :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ellehcim, your brand image looks unique on the two dot-cash platforms.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh really? I haven't checked my noise account but I think they look the same..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it is the same image, and it helps to intensify the brand image.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haven't seen the tag of this article, means my notifications is flooded again 🤦

Anyway, I agree that our profile photo is our branding.. Although I show my personal photo in here I still prefer to have a cartoon version of me as an avatar..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Any customized profile pic is nice to create a brand image. Your unique profile pic and tagline serve very well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, as a blogger/writer image branding is important.. it's one of the things that people will easily recognize us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so happy to get your authentic comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are right .. thanks unity you always support me.. i collect many information by your this article...have good time..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate your engagement :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are human. We all have a personal branding. And that's why our relationship is so strong. We usually present our identity through it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am curious how personal branding would relate to our relationships.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yea good idea dear. Actually I also dont know about it befor. By your article now I know it. Thanks dear.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am happy to write about personal branding, which I learned since writing blogs (2014).

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah at least some image, some motto or some words in our bio, to make our profile different and unique, to be identify better by our online friends and to remark our personality. Good!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I have been acquainted with someone on LinkedIn from London with a dummy lady profile pic similar to the rewarder's profile pic. I don't know what restraints her to put her real-world profile pic.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well on LinkedIn is even more necessary and recommended... as it's a profesional site.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, but a few seem to have their way of connecting the world. I don't know what these dummy-profile-pic users do when making business communication.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is actually a very interesting article and quite timely for me. On the profile pic, I've seen some writers on here use their personal image and I thought briefly about using an image as well because it lends authenticity and credibility to your work. I'll think about this aspect a bit more before taking that step. Your position on the bio is a good point as well. For me, at the time when I created the account, because I wasn't sure what content I would be writing on, I just put writer, crypto-speculator. I think the both are fair and apt descriptions- at least writer is- but I can look at it again. Thought provoking as always, Unity!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Finally, the blogger decides their profile pic and "bio." Some people seem to like "No bio yet" even after many months. I enjoy reading your coherent comments.

$ 0.00
2 years ago