How Followers & Subscribers Grow

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2 years ago

Do you know whom to follow or subscribe to? It is relevant and essential in the blogging domain and social and professional networks.

We generally follow or subscribe to a blog or a creator based on our incidental choice and selection of topics. Most often, the selection or choice is either incorrect or inappropriate.

The reverse is also true. We get followers and subscribers based on the consumers' incidental choice and selection which may not always be perfect or correct.

Is connecting like-minded creators the key?

Image 01: Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

I thought that "connecting like-minded people" was the topmost criterion for following or subscribing to a content creator or blogger.

I recently came through a short post on LinkedIn that advises the members to follow and connect with as many members as possible. It sounds very optimistic at first glance. But, it often makes a terrible choice and sense when profoundly thinking.

A comment writer, Robyn D. Shulman, who happened to be the number one writer in education on LinkedIn, made a very profound remark on whom to follow and engage.

From LinkedIn, Robyn D. Shulman's comment is reproduced verbatim:

Complete a self-evaluation and self-reflection of your hard and soft skills. You have so many skills, and they can be hard to define (may want to do it with someone who sees you from the outside).

It's critical for you to re-discover who you are before making a jump. There are many opportunities for you, but you have to know this new you quite well. Define your skills, scale down accordingly (for certain roles), and pay close attention to the topics people are talking about here on LinkedIn.

Find the conversations that interest you, and your knowledge will flow easily to other people, and they will notice you. When you are ready, begin creating posts, sharing advice, and keep giving. You have more talent than you know--it's how you wrap it up and present it.

So, what are the criteria for following or subscribing?

Image 02: Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels

As per Robyn D. Shulman's recommendations, the decision to follow or subscribe has a lot of effects on our basic hard and soft skills, and finally, on the acquired knowledge and wisdom.

  • You need to carry out a self-evaluation and self-reflection of your hard and soft skills. It is not easy to study yourself. A third person can do a lot better evaluation. It requires that you be reviewed from outside.

  • The critical part of the self-evaluation involves a great deal of re-discovering who you are. Before jumping to a decision, you need to know yourself more closely and inquisitively. After you re-discover your essential skillsets, you need to scale down your roles based on skills.

  • Then, you can pay attention to the subjects of the content people are posting. Find out which conversations attract your inner taste and knowledge. Your created content (texts, images, audio, video) will spontaneously flow from your inner core. Then, a subset of the matching audience will follow or subscribe to your content/blogs.

Bringing it altogether

Image 03: Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

How do you decide whom to connect and follow? Do you know who will follow or subscribe to your blog?

Following and subscribing are not so simple acts that can grow automatically.

Following a super content creator may turn out to be a waste of time if the creator's subject of the content is away from your choice, skills, and domain of knowledge.

The easily grown following and subscriptions may vanish with a blink of the eyes.

Unless you and other content creators have sufficient overlapping areas of skills and domain knowledge, the following or engagement may not add to any positive mutual growth.

A very large follower base without any meaningful interaction remains useless.


I try to concentrate more on my core work. I also spend my precious time reading, learning, and growing. Matching domain knowledge plays the deciding factor for connecting fellow content creators.

I like to develop solutions for cybersecurity, data privacy, especially authentication technology and password security. I regularly write blogs here and elsewhere. I also create videos, and often appear on live video chatting.

I look for bloggers from coherent domains interested in collaborative research and content creation.


Lead Image: I created the animation with my texts and a Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels. Sources of all other images are mentioned below the respective images.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

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January 18, 2022.

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Written by
2 years ago


Nice subject and reflection... it's true on different socialmedia people are focused on number of subscribers not quality of them, sometimes later we realize we find among them good people who share real thoughts with but obviously not every of them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, authentic engagement requires a creator to get inspired to create more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grats 😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Jane, I appreciate your valuable time and support.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well described . All points are valid especially evaluation of ourself is key .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks, Amjad, for the resonating comment. I am currently carrying out an empathetic self-evaluation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago