Don't Be a Miser in Self-Love

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2 years ago

I love myself less than I should. It is one of my OMG moments!

Today I have read a micro post by a fellow blogger. It is about self-love. To my utter surprise, I have discovered a stunning fact about myself. I love myself less than I love others. My love for the world is much bigger than I love myself.

I know that I should be proud. But, I am not. If I can't love myself unconditionally, how can I do justice to others? It is not just possible. I must love myself more.

Image 01: Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

Love for ourselves is the food our souls deserve.

We should not be miser in devouring enough self-love.

How many times have you offered yourself leisure time?

Image 02: Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

I always thought that utilization of time is an outstanding achievement in life. I generally don't work very hard, but I never gave myself a dedicated holiday entirely for myself.

I spent enough time with the family. I often went on vacation with them. These were like rituals we enjoyed once or twice a year.

Sometimes we paid a considerable cost in traveling and hoteling. The places were beautiful that we visited in different geographical locations. There were hill stations and seasides. There were homestays in country regions.

All these were for enjoyment along with the family and friends.

Image 03: Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

But, I never tried to go on a solo short trip, say a half-day trip to a riverside which is not far. I like to explore nearby places, sometimes by walking, and sometimes by taking the help of a bicycle. Bicycle trips are very energy efficient, and completely devoid of environmental pollution.

Do you think of giving a little time for yourself? It won't require much time and money. It won't take a long time away from your family and friends.

How many times have you offered yourself a food treat?

Image 04: Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels:

It may sound very typical to eat something you like very much once in a while. For example, I like vegetables which don't appear on our regular menu in our home. Although I buy vegetables almost every alternate day, I don't put enough seriousness into preparing a simple vegetable item for myself!

Since last year, I started to cook food items that are close to my heart. I cook vegetables, fish, and simple snacks. All these food items are not costly and are not high calories foods.

Enjoy cooking and eating foods that you like.

Let your family and friends have a taste of your cooking experiments.

I and my friend from Iran used to prepare chicken barbeque on the terrace of our college dormitory. He was a foreign student pursuing doctoral research at our university. I enjoyed having Iranian preparation of chicken with rice. The other students used to laugh at us. But, we used to enjoy our self-prepared simple foods.

Or, you may even try eating in a countryside restaurant which gives simple and cheap foods. Let the small restaurants earn something.

And, you can always ask your friends and family members to join you. They will enjoy a day out around the village sides of your country.

How many times do you think to pursue your passions?

Image 05: Photo by Papa Yaw from Pexels

I used to learn an Indian percussion instrument called Tabla for many years. I had known it since I was the 2nd standard in elementary school. I pursued Tabla until I left my home for graduate research studies away to a reputed university.

Throughout my doctoral research, I engaged myself more vigorously in Tabla and music. I started learning a keyed instrument called Harmonium. I even tried composing modern and fusion music among our student music groups of the university.

I sometimes visited the homes of celebrity musicians. Yes, some of the classical artists in India are quite approachable. They directed music even for top-rated Bollywood movies, but they remained down to earth.

Lately, I have discovered that I have lost touch with the classical and folk music of the world. Very recently, I started to sing with karaoke music. I may share some glimpses of my musical experiments here via my Odysee channel.

How much time do you dedicate to your hobbies?

Image 06: Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

Hobbies are very close to our hearts. Whatever insignificant subject it might be, any hobby activity can help elevate our mental spirit relatively high. Even we should try new hobbies that suddenly come to our mind.

Reading and writing are two inherent desires almost every human may have. Even in the good old days, when people didn't know the art of writing technology, ancient people used to tell stories from their everyday experiences.

Don't you remember Aesop's fables that a wise old human told the neighboring people?

Pursuing some time in hobby activities can enrich life in a big way.

You are worthy of love and care

Image 07: Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

I don't know about others. But, I often have a lack of empathy for myself. It may be due to a lack of self-confidence. It may also be due to a wrong notion about selfishness.

Lately, I discovered that I didn't pay enough attention to my inner core of the heart. I could have enjoyed life more sustainably if I had spent some degree of self-empathy for my own life.

I remember how much mental fulfillment I used to get by sketching whatever came to my mind during the first year of joining a government job in 1996. The simple needs of my mind are more important than any other earthly possessions.

Self-care is something many of us neglect. Our lives could be better lived if we paid enough attention to our mental needs.

We need to love ourselves more than we love others, the external world, planet earth, and the universe.

Bringing it altogether

  • There is a need for self-love in life. It may be called self-empathy or self-care.

  • Please don't neglect yourself. It requires continuous attention. Some or most of us don't pay any serious attention to the mental requirements. Neglecting self may give rise to serious psychological problems in the long run.

  • Therefore, please don't be a miser in devouring self-love.

  • A little self-care can give a super mental stimulation that will empower you to love others, the entire living kingdom, as well as the universe.


I always try to concentrate more on my core work. But, I also spend my precious time reading, learning, and growing. I enjoy extra-curricular activities as well. I am interested in connecting with fellow content creators who have matching subjects or overlapping interests.

I have been developing solutions for cybersecurity, data privacy, especially authentication technology and password security. I also write blogs here and elsewhere. I have started to create videos, and often appear on live video chatting.

I look forward to meeting like-minded bloggers from coherent domains interested in collaborative research and content creation.


Lead Image: I created the animation with my texts, and a Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels Sources of all other images are mentioned below the respective images.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

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January 20, 2022.

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Written by
2 years ago


Treat yourself. We need to love ourselves enough to treat ourselves to leisure time and even food. I did something funny today. I ordered a plate of meal from a friend and even though it was pricey, I had no regret whatsoever and I had my fill. Wifey joined me as we both ate it together. We need to focus on ourselves once in a while because the more we give to ourselves the easier it is to help others. We should invest in ourselves first then it would spread to others.

I absolutely enjoyed this.

$ 0.50
2 years ago

It is a treat to self-treat ourselves. I fully agree with your points. Life is enjoyable when we wish to enjoy it. Insightful vignettes shared. Great and eventful comment indeed.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for doing the post.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate your valuable time and authentic engagement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anytime and well done.

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2 years ago


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2 years ago


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2 years ago