Love test:
Think of a boy/girl.
Probably, that person you are thinking right now is "someone" who is special to you. Should we now proceed?
A= Name of your someone
Does A makes you smile just beyond thinking about her/him?
Does A can make you laugh with a lame joke? With a really funny joke?
Does A can make the best of out you? Just beyond thinking A can make you motivated?
Is A always there for you? Do you make yourself available when A needs someone, too?
Are you always comfortable in telling A all your secrets, silly thoughts, bad ideas, in short, are you comfortable to show who you are?
Can you freely talk, move around (Without filtering) to A?
Do you want to walk beside A at night? By any chance?
Does A can make your heart flutter?
At any chance, do you miss A?
If you get 10/10, Yes you're in LOVE
7-9/10, more push, you're nearly in love (do you want to go on?)
4-6/10, maybe you like her/him.
1-3/10, meh, a crush on her/him.
0? Why do you even think of her/him?
Note: This is a research we conducted in my Senior High School years.
80%-90% was proven accurate with an analytical and data basis.