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Avatar for Uca
Written by
10 months ago

Amid the dark screen, a rosy hue does gleam,

Trembling hands, eyes tired, an endless dream.

Digits and codes wrestle in the silent night's sway,

As they battle on, heart racing without delay.

Like an unwavering hound, relentless to the core,

Digging for virtual coins, in the vast digital shore.

Not on ordinary land, nor tangible currency's plea,

But a fight he's entrenched in, with spirit wild and free.

With rig and GPU, he mines with ceaseless might,

Dreams of fortune in the far realms of digital light.

Yet risks and uncertainties persist in their might,

He holds onto hope, though his heart may take flight.

No guarantees on this journey, a road paved with strife,

As Chairil Anwar said, life's eternal, blemished in life.

Still, he treads on, unyielding in the face of the storm,

Hoping crypto's glow will guide him, uniform.

His hard work isn't just measured in coins alone,

But a struggle through virtual seas, as they're thrown.

In each transaction, in codes he does unfold,

He writes his story, like Chairil Anwar's tales of old.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @zulfrontado
