Don't take this life lightly ( poetry )

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10 months ago

Amid wounds, life's melancholy collides,

Like winds that moan in chaos and tides.

We tread on twisted roads, dark, and lone,

Like shadows within, empty and overthrown.

Laughter feels distant, lost in hope's hum,

Only murky tears, my dreams scatter, undone.

As if the sky holds tales so grim,

To the heavens I inquire, in silence's dim.

In the eyes of those who're unaware, life's light,

Yet burdens in my heart never take flight.

Heart's wrinkles lurking, in each breath's sigh,

Emptiness a companion, every step awry.

Deploy metaphors, poetry, in wounded soul's plea,

Write, life's harshness lacks mercy.

Living amid the tumultuous silence's plea,

Still, we journey on, life's mystery deep and free.

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