Tips for Children to Study Diligently, Parents are Important to Know

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1 year ago

For some children, studying may be a very boring activity. When parents ask their children to learn, not a few of them have many reasons so that they don't need to study and continue their playing activities. In fact, yes, every parent who asks their child to learn hopes that the child can have wider knowledge and become a smarter child.

When Mom has a baby who also likes to have many reasons not to study, quoting from the page, there are some tips that Mom can apply so that the baby is more diligent and eager to learn. What are the tips? Check out the following.

Give Children a Gift

The first tip you can try to get your child to study hard is to give your child a gift when he or she is the smartest or smartest kid at school. Do not hesitate to ask what gifts your child asks for when he is doing well in school. Giving gifts will make children more enthusiastic and study hard. But remember, avoid giving gifts continuously or excessively to children because this can actually have a negative effect on the child's character and personality.

Make the Learning Atmosphere More Fun

Try to make the learning atmosphere enjoyable. Avoid being too rude when accompanying children to learn. Make the child as comfortable as possible as he learns and understands everything he just knows. Try to be more patient in dealing with children who are difficult to learn. Understand also if every child has intelligence that is different from one another.

Know Your Child's Learning Style

Know your child's learning style well and correctly. There are some children who easily catch every lesson he receives through hearing, touch, movement or sight. There are children who will capture new knowledge by reading, listening to explanations from the teacher or Mom, practicing directly or actively moving while learning. By knowing your child's learning style, you can invite your child to learn according to their style.

Ask Children to Ask

Ask the child to ask anything he doesn't know or wants to know. Try to answer each question patiently. Mom can also invite children to find out the answers together by searching on the internet or asking directly to people who are experts in the field that the child is asking.

Give Your Child Full Support Whatever Happens

Be sure to give your child full support no matter what. Whether he is not able to catch a lesson or catch it well, never judge a child let alone compare him with other children. Give full support to the child every day. But remember, if there is something wrong with the child's attitude, don't hesitate to give him advice.

Those are some simple tips so that children study diligently. In addition to the tips above, so that children study diligently, Mom also needs to help children focus on each lesson not the value, invite children to communicate well every day and make a good study plan with the child. I hope this information is helpful.

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1 year ago


Tips yang sangat bermanfaat, sangat bagus jika diterapkan saat mengajari anak-anak agar dapat lebih rajin

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We must have many interesting ways so that children are excited to learn, this is a good article, thank you friend, this is very helpful

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1 year ago