Signs of Very High Stress Levels in the Family

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2 years ago

Family should be the most comfortable place to go home and complain. Stress is a mental disorder experienced as a result of pressure from a complicated problem to be solved. Stress can hit anyone, not just one person, stress can also attack a family at the same time.

Maybe some people don't realize that their family is under stress because of their indifference to each other. Family should be the most comfortable place to go home and complain. All fatigue and fatigue can be lost if you have met family. However, stress can come at any time, it could be that stress brought into the house affects wife, husband and children and makes a family experience stress.

As a parent, you must be aware that stress is a part of life. Organizing work, family and children is not an easy thing. Unconsciously, stress experienced by parents affects their children,everything that is done can certainly cause problems and create stress.

Over time, atmosphere of house will be colored with shouting, anger, locking oneself and others. Recognize signs that your family is experiencing stress so that it can be addressed immediately.

-Often Yelling at Each Other

A common sign that a family is under stress is yelling at each other. Everyone in house wants to be heard and doesn't want to listen to anyone else. This may not be realized by some people because remembering shouting often occurs in family life. But if this continues, it is worth thinking about and discussing with the family.


When mom and dad have trouble sleeping due to stress, at same time kids will realize and try to understand the situation by thinking about what's going on. Children will also have difficulty sleeping. Anxiety and anxiety from parents will be contagious.

-Eating Time Together

Becomes Shorter Eating together is a gathering activity where family members will ask and comment on each other's activities. When the family is experiencing stress, atmosphere at dinner table must be uncomfortable.

Children who are older will feel tension that occurs at the dinner table. If this happens once or twice it may not cause a big problem, but if it happens often it will cause prolonged stress. For that always schedule dinner together at the dinner table, and bring back the joy of dinner by asking what all family members have experienced that day.

-Children Avoid Parents

When parents seem to be having problems, most children will avoid and lock themselves in their rooms. As a parent, when experiencing this, it's good to win yourself over and get closer to child, so that child understands situation and doesn't think badly of his parents.

Stress that occurs in a family should be handled quickly so as not to cause more severe disputes.

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