Low Confidence, Need to Know the Roots.

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2 years ago

Having self-confidence is needed by everyone to be able to adapt anywhere and with anyone. Self-confidence can make people who are excessive in contemplating their shortcomings become more focused on what they can do, and do it.

On the other hand, when self-confidence is low, this makes him suggest many things, especially his shortcomings. Even in some cases, maybe someone who actually knows something feels like he doesn't know anything, so he doesn't dare to say it.

It is important to know the reason for low self-confidence, having low self-confidence is not someone's fault, but because there are many factors that occur and contribute to low self-confidence. here are some of the factors:

-Gen and Temperament

The first reason for low self-esteem is related to a person's genes and temperament, which means it can be innate.

Research has shown our genetic makeup affects the amount of certain confidence-boosting chemicals our brains have access to. Some aspects of our behavior also stem from our temperament. If you are naturally more indecisive and alert, especially under unusual circumstances, you may have a tendency called "behavioral inhibition." When you are faced with a situation, you stop and check to see if everything is looking the way you expected. If something seems awry, you're more likely to walk away from the situation.

Behavioral inhibition isn't all bad. We need some people in the world who don't impulsively jump into every situation. If you are a cautious and quiet person, your confidence may have been lost. But once you understand yourself, you will be able to overcome your temper and not fight it.


-Life experience

The next reason for low self-confidence is based on life experiences. A number of individual experiences can lead to feelings of complete self-doubt or even worthlessness. Including the following:


Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse can all significantly affect our feelings of self-worth. If you notice you are recalling memories of abuse or feel tortured or embarrassed by the experience, please consider seeking treatment from a licensed physician.

*Parenting style

The way we are treated in our family of origin can affect us long after childhood. For example, if you have parents who constantly belittle you, compare you to others, or tell you that you will never mean anything, you are more likely to carry those messages with you today. The struggles of parents with mental health problems and substance abuse can also change your relationship with the world.


* Bullying, harassment and humiliation.

Childhood bullying can leave a mark on your confidence in your appearance, intellectual and athletic abilities, and other areas of your life. Embarrassing experiences in adulthood, including workplace harassment or peer groups who disrespect or demean you, can also make you less willing to stand up for yourself or pursue goals.

*Gender, race and sexual orientation.

Numerous studies have shown women are socialized to worry more about how they are perceived and, therefore, often end up taking fewer risks. Racial and cultural background and sexual orientation can also make a difference. If you have received discrimination, you may have internalized some negative and untrue messages about your potential.


Another reason for low self-esteem is understanding misinformation. Lack of confidence can come from not knowing the "rules" of the confidence game. For example, if we think that we must feel confident in order to act confidently, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

Perfectionism is another form of faulty thinking that contributes to low self-confidence. If we believe that we must have something known before we take action, those thoughts can prevent us from doing the things we value. Even learning and understanding what self-confidence is and isn't a big step towards improving it.

-The world around us

Many media messages are designed to make us feel less. Companies that want to sell you products usually start by making you feel bad about yourself, often by introducing "problems" with your body.

Now that social media is everywhere, the messages are closer to home. It's easy to believe that everyone around you has the perfect marriage, dream career, and a supermodel who looks great.

But remember, what people post online is highly curated and edited. Everyone has bad days, self-doubt, and physical imperfections.


-Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand with self-confidence problems. If you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or depression and are currently in treatment with a therapist, you can bring your diary and perhaps discuss it together.

You dare to overcome confidence stumbling blocks, and building confidence will also help you reduce anxiety and depression.

Those are some of the causes of low self-confidence, if you have problems with your self-confidence, you should know why you feel insecure? I hope you can overcome it and I hope my writing is useful. Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago


Mostly occurs due to trauma caused by bullying from the neighborhood

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You are right, we should always be careful in speaking, so as not to hurt other people, maybe I should also introspect myself too, maybe I've also done something like this by accident.

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2 years ago