Emotional Abuse Often Unconsciously Parents Do To Children
Many parents are confident enough to claim that they have never abused their children. The benchmark is that they admit that they have never hit or done other physical violence on children. But, is not committing physical violence the only standard for parents not to commit acts of violence against children?
Don't get me wrong, Besides physical violence, there is also such thing as emotional violence. Unfortunately, not all parents are aware of this. Parents may not commit acts of physical violence on children. However, they may vent it by committing acts of emotional violence. Some of the emotional violence that parents often do unknowingly are as follows:
-Refusing Child
Parents who show an attitude of rejection towards their children, whether consciously or not, will make the child feel unwanted. Examples of frequent refusals include telling the child to leave, calling the child worthless, blaming child, shouting, insulting, and punishing child outside the home.
-Ignoring Children
Parents whose emotional needs are not met have a tendency to neglect their children. They show disinterest in child. Examples of neglect that often occur are not wanting to know child's condition or problem, being inconsistent in responding to the child's needs, and not trying to protect child.
-Terrorizing Children
Parents who threaten, shout, and curse their children can damage their child's psychology. Examples of terror that often occur include shouting, cursing, threatening, intimidating, humiliating children in public, and threatening to embarrass children.
-Isolating Children
Parents who commit violence by isolating their child will have a bad impact. Children who are not allowed to do activities with friends will find it difficult to socialize. While babies who are not given stimulation will develop more slowly. Other examples of isolating are not giving children permission to play, leaving children alone for long periods of time, telling children not to be friends with certain children, and forcing them to only play at home.
-Damaging Children
Parents can harm children by allowing them to use drugs, alcohol, watch violent shows, and watch adult shows. Not only that, actions of parents inviting them to commit criminal acts, involving them in the practice of prostitution, and teaching them to play gambling are also acts of damaging children.
-Exploiting Children
Some things that fall into the category of exploitation include giving children the responsibility to carry out activities that are not in accordance with their abilities. In addition, the act of blaming children for mistakes of siblings or parents, and telling them to do many things that are not in accordance with their age also includes exploiting children.
Those are some types of emotional abuse that parents often do without them knowing. If you are already a parent, try not to do the above, be a good parent for your child, so that your child can grow up to be a healthy, good, honest, successful, and useful person for all. Thanks for reading, I hope it's useful.
Emotional violence is actually more dangerous than physical violence, this can cause discomfort and resentment in the future.