Benefits of Developing Generosity

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2 years ago

Generosity is a commendable and noble character. Developing a generous nature is certainly not easy especially for those who are used to being stingy and miserly towards others.

Make no mistake, generosity is not always related to one's wealth. The main capital to be a generous person is sincerity. Positive things that can be given, as long as they are useful, will be tried with a sincere heart. What, then, is the benefit of developing generosity?

-Makes the heart more peaceful and happy

Peace and happiness of heart is what many people want. Sometimes, reality shows that wealth, intelligence and physical appearance that are considered attractive do not always guarantee happiness and peace of mind. Generosity can actually increase the happiness and sense of peace we feel.

In fact, if you look closely, it turns out that several studies out there have revealed that there is a positive correlation between generosity and happiness. So what are you waiting for? You can really train generosity starting from the small things that you are capable of doing. Remember, the most important thing is a sincere heart.

-Making yourself recognize the importance of gratitude

We are often encouraged to be grateful, but how far do we know the importance of gratitude? Gratitude is easy to say in the mouth, but not necessarily the heart says the same thing. Yes, this generous nature also makes us recognize and understand the meaning of gratitude.

If we regularly share kindness with others, there are times when we finally realize that there are many things we can be grateful for in life. So, it's good to focus on developing positive qualities in yourself. Although it is not easy, we can also practice gratitude as long as it is done consistently. For example, teaching children to always share food with friends.

-Maybe someday we will also need the help of others

This does not mean that we hope that the good we do is reciprocated by others. However, it is undeniable that we are also human beings who need help from other people from time to time. Which makes your heart more moved to help, to people who are stingy and stingy or to people who are generous?

It seems that almost everyone will also be more moved by people who are generous and sincere in helping everyday. Whatever good we do with sincere intentions, is more likely to make an impression on the hearts of others. So, there is nothing to lose in developing a generous nature as long as it is done in a wise manner. For example, we always share anything with our neighbors, for sure when we need help the neighbors will be happy to help.

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-Indirectly, generous nature will also neutralize the bad qualities that exist within you

Everyone has good and bad sides to varying degrees. It is up to us to allow which side is more dominant and develops within us. The bad side in ourselves will be more difficult to emerge if we get used to strengthening the good side. How to?

Yes, one of them is by developing a generous nature in everyday life. Indirectly, the generosity of the heart that has been trained will help neutralize the bad side that may appear either in the form of thoughts, words or actions

-We can inspire others to do other positive things

Kindness can be 'contagious' if someone has done it. The good we do may be far from perfect, but we can inspire others to participate in perfecting the good we do. Although nothing is perfect, the generosity that we develop may inspire others to do other positive things that are much more effective and useful.

So, that is the benefit of developing generosity in daily life. All the benefits above will be much more felt if we do it with a sincere heart. May be useful!

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2 years ago


It is true that people who are accustomed to being stingy find it difficult to be generous, because they think that if they give to others their wealth will decrease and it will be difficult to become rich. Whereas the treasures that we give to others do not have to wait for us to become rich.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you are right... even some of ours is theirs too.

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2 years ago