It's Time You Changed Your Mindset, God Has Thinking About You!

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1 year ago

Since I was a child, I've adored the ocean. The higher the awe, the more chaotic the waves become. I used to play for hours in their raging wake as a kid until my mother called me in sunburned and exhausted. The sand, on the other hand, was never my favorite. The beach, in my opinion, was nothing more than a mucky, scorching strew between me and the ocean. I despised the way its coarse grains got stuck in everything. Even though I still dislike sand, I've come to love what these fractured crystals signify.

Our huge family made a trip to the beach. I stayed on the sandy coast this time instead of going into the sea. I contemplated King David's comments as I watched one of my brothers fight with upending a bucket of sand in an attempt to build a perfect tower.

Psalm 139:17-18

 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
    How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with you.

Consider a single grain of sand to be a single minute. Then, dare to accept the incredible idea that each of these grains represents one of your Heavenly Father's thoughts toward you. It's difficult to believe, but it's true. The God Most High treasures ideas about you that are so unique, lovely, and many that they are beyond human comprehension. And, like sand, evidence of His passionate love for you may be found everywhere in creation. It's terrible that most of us feel judged rather than loved. To counteract this, consider the following:

Thoughts of love.

Thoughts of joy.

Thoughts of peace.

Thoughts of grace.

Thoughts of mercy.

Thoughts of creativity.

Thoughts of goodness.

Thoughts of care.

Thoughts of restoration and rescue.

And this is a very short list based on my faulty human viewpoint. The awe of it all doesn't end there, for his thoughts are not only valuable but also broad. They must be many, in my opinion. The work of counting God's thoughts is compared by David to counting grains of sand. His thoughts are uncountable and unwavering, just like his love. You have always been in his thoughts, fiercely loved one, and rest confident that you will always be on his mind, just as he is thinking of you right now.

Even yet, it's difficult for us to envision ourselves in this light. We have notions that are the complete antithesis of how God has described us. I was raised to believe in a distant divinity who continually let me down. Something surprises us when we read David's words; we hear wonder. David overcame his guilt and humiliation and rejoiced in the incredible truth of a God who cherished him. The next psalm reflects this insight.

Psalm 8:3-4

When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?

Alone in the wilderness, David had come to know the Most High as an intimate friend and confidant, someone who loved him and enjoyed being with him. David was puzzled why God would recognize him while gazing at the wonders of creation. Perhaps you've gone along the beach, gazed at the sky, or ascended a mountain and thought the same thing. Does God give a damn? Am I noticed? Do I dare to dream? Yes, to everything of this! God's thoughts are always on his greatness toward us, not our smallness. Our Father has never been disappointed by the idea of you, brave strongly loved one.

You are his idea.

You were made by Him.

He loves you.

Will you dare to say it aloud?

My Father's thoughts for me are constant, abundant, and outrageously beautiful.

I dare you to embrace the wonder of this revelation. You are loved, remembered, welcomed, desired, and encouraged! Never again believe that your heavenly Father is waiting for you to fail to forsake you. Allow this discovery of his unending love to instill hope in every part of your life!

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1 year ago
