How The Five Major Determinants Of Health Could Interact To Cause A Disease Like Cancer.
There are several factors that contribute to health issues. These factors are generally termed determinants of health. Determinants of health are normally categorized into five major categories: social, health services (medical care), biology and genetics, policy making, and individual behavior. Policymaking involves the formation of policies by the federal, state, or local government that eventually might affect the health of the population. Cancer is a health condition that can be caused by the consumption of products such as alcohol and tobacco. The consumption of such products can be regulated through policymaking, such as an increase in tax. The lowering of tax on tobacco or alcohol products will encourage higher consumption, thus leading to an increase in health issues such as cancer. Social determinants of health are the physical conditions or social factors of the environment in which people age, work, play, live, or are born. Social and physical factors such as working conditions, access to affordable health services and food security can cause health conditions such as cancer. Working conditions that expose workers to radiation would likely lead to an increase in cancer cases. Food insecurity can also contribute to cancer through poor food choices and dietary patterns.
Health services are a factor that includes the accessibility, quality, and affordability of health services by the public. Health services can lead to increased cases of cancer, especially if a society cannot afford or access medical services. Individuals without health insurance might find it difficult to access or afford preventive care programs for cancer treatment, and this might delay their medical treatment. Individual behavior is one of the determinants of health because it is through the decisions of an individual in matters of diet, drugs, physical activity, and public health that his or her health will be determined. Excessive consumption of alcohol, engaging in smoking or exposure to radiation are individual decisions which can increase the chances of chronic diseases such as cancer. Lastly, biology and genetics are determinants of health. Health conditions can be dominant within a certain population based on their biological or genetic aspects such as sex, age, family history, or current health conditions. An individual's biological or genetic structure will most likely determine his or her chances of developing chronic diseases such as cancer. A member of a family with a history of cancer will much more likely have a similar condition. This is because of the genetic disorder in that family.