Sleeping paralysis demon is very toture one. I was 16 when I was suffering from paranormal experiences . It was like I am watching someone in my dream but It looks so much real. One day I was sleeping and suddenly in my dream I saw a old man who was standing beside me and he was calling me I afraid and woke up no one was there I was sweating and slept again after some moment something was sitting on my chest it was hard to move. my body was paralysed I woke up and screamed my mom come to me I told her everything . My mom told me to read aytul kursi . After 2 days I was alone in my home I was sleeping on my couch and suddenly something dropped from kitchen I was scared I go to kitchen but nothing was there I go to my bed and I felt very scared I fall asleep in the morning I felt someone did hit me on my cheeks and it was so much pain . After some days we go to a monsieur he told me it's a bad jin who was torturing me day by day. It was hard for me to deal a such this things. But now I am free from torture of sleeping paralysis demon and paranormal things .
Wow vary intaresting