You are a marvel of Great Engineering 

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3 years ago

"From a completely objective point of view, the human body is the most beautiful structure we know.It's a technical masterpiece.The daily ceiling of bones and muscles is so large that some wear out after a few years. These are descriptions of people who have thoroughly studied the human body.

Engineers make sure that bridges, tunnels, buildings, etc. They can withstand much more than the normal loads they are exposed to. Strength that is greater than what is normally sufficient provides a safety margin. To be called a "miracle of technology", the human body must have extraordinary safety factors. He does

Safety equipment

Most chemicals in the blood are in a delicate balance. But there is still a very large safety margin. For example, blood sugar levels are considered "normal" when they range from 80 to 120 milligrams per 100 cubic centimeters of blood. However, blood sugar levels can drop significantly without causing serious problems. Only when they fall to about half normal or below about 50 milligrams per 100 cubic centimeters will a person experience negative effects.

The heart can double its rate of contraction and pump almost twice as much blood volume. At the same time, blood pressure can increase by 30-40%. If not damaged first, the heart can easily handle this extra burden.

The volume of oxygen transported from the lungs to the bloodstream is three and a half times greater than what is normally used by tissues. As a result, a lung can no longer function or be surgically removed, but life can continue with fairly normal breathing efficiency.

In addition, the body's ability to withstand surgical removal of vital organs is incredible. For example, a kidney can be removed without seriously endangering a person's life. With only half a kidney left, a person can continue to live without serious kidney problems.

In less than two days, the person who lost both adrenal glands would be dead. But you can continue to live with only a tenth of the remaining adrenal tissue.

Doctors cut out much of the brain without endangering the patient's life or seriously endangering physical and mental functions. The brain is also well protected from damage caused by the hard skull.

Other organs can continue their essential functions, even after large parts have been surgically removed. A person can survive on one-fifth of the pancreas or one-quarter of the liver. Most of the stomach can be removed without compromising digestion and nutrition. Complete removal of the stomach is debilitating, but not fatal. About half of the small intestine and most of the large intestine can be cut off and the person is still alive.

The body has an excellent defense system against diseases. Even though the skin is full of bacteria, it gives the whole body a protective protection against their disorders. When harmful bacteria enter the body through an incision or scratch, the body's defense system is activated. White blood cells drive and destroy invading organisms.

Another part of the immune system is the lymph nodes. Whenever pathogenic organisms enter the body, the lymph nodes produce antibodies to fight the invaders. Antibodies vary depending on the type of organism that infects the body. Some antibodies fight directly against pathogenic organisms. Others make the toxins released by the bacteria harmless. Others cause bacteria to stick together, making it easier for white blood cells to destroy them.

Because it is elastic, the skin also spreads the effects of a fall or shock over a large area, which reduces the extent of the damage.

In fact, its body is well designed with a large safety margin.

Waterproof insulation and heat control.

The skin not only protects the body from the penetration of pathogenic organisms and minimizes the effects of bumps or falls, but also protects the body from water. Without this feature, a walk in the rain or a bath would be dangerous. Our bodies will swell and our blood will thin. Swimming in seawater would shrink it because chemically saline water is more concentrated than blood.

On the other hand, the release of water from the skin in the form of sweat and diffusion is important to maintain the thermal balance of the body. The hairs that grow on the skin also play a role in controlling heat. The hair on the head protects the brain from overheating when exposed to hot sun. On the palms, fingers and soles of the feet, the thick leather acts as a good thermal insulator.

Dry skin also acts as a thin electrical insulator. It is truly a blessing at a time when home appliances have become commonplace.

Of course, something as attractive and versatile as human skin can rightly be called a “technical marvel”.

The milestone

The legs create the structural structure, hold the organs in place, and maintain the shape of the body. In itself, the legs are a technical miracle.

Weighing about nine pounds in total, a man's legs. offers a perfect combination of lightness and resistance. No human engineer can design a structure that will adapt to continuous growth for twenty years without closing the structure that supports that structure. However, bones grow with the rest of the body without disrupting a person's activities.

Self-healing is another piece of bodily technology that humans cannot copy. A broken bone heals with proper treatment and can work just as well as it did before the fracture. In addition, the feet adapt freely and are connected by self-lubricating seals. It is interesting to note that the so-called self-lubricating systems in automobiles are just a new technical development.


The capacity of the human body simply expresses the imagination. Think about human achievements in architecture, construction, music, sports, sculpture, sculpture, painting, and technology. Hands that properly hold an ax to chop down a tree may carry a knife to cut a beauty item or move the scalpel to make small surgical cuts. The legs and feet are used for walking as well as for running, jumping and climbing. What machine can even successfully copy some of the many movements and activities of the human body?

In addition, it is surprising that the fuel for all bodily functions cannot be obtained from one but from several sources. And a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and meats, which can be consumed to meet the body's needs, increase the joy of life.

Yes, when we think of certain things about the wonderful human body, we cannot help but be impressed. Calling it a "technical marvel" is no exaggeration.

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3 years ago
