CLP Explained
CLP- Corrective Linguistic Programming is associated with Trainwashing through the application of positive trance-anchoring. CLP is an additional piece of the puzzle created as a tool in Trainwashing. The implementation of CLP as an add-on to the system of Trainwashing helps to re- program a negatively conditioned mind. CLP allows the reader to use visual, verbal, and emotional stimulation to positively suggest new self-fulfilling True Success driven principle to their life. The CLP citations, song lyrics, and poems were specially designed for this book in order to facilitate the journey to True Success.
CLP is not all apple pie and daffodils either, as it may and is intended to unlock some negative emotions. Un-checked or un-dealt with negative emotion can act as a heavy weight, halting positive movement in life. The bottled up negative emotions which some of us carry around may be dug up while reading this CLP book. Facing a negative past with confidence anchored by the CLP processes will be rejuvenating. Overcoming fears locked in the past does not have to be a completely bad experience. Triumphs over fear can also be fun with a change in the conditioning about fear itself.
CLP is meant to be used as a helpful tool for confronting life head-on. Moreover, for people to allow themselves less opportunity to hide behind excuses, to why non-achievement should be an accepted component of life. There is no reason, conditioned or built-in, anyone should be focusing on why they cannot accomplish anything. iThe positive training of CLP occurs in the forefront, consciously through deliberate action, as well as in the background, subconsciously where the human value system is running on autopilot. CLP allows for a unique Trainwashing experience as the external and internal conversation occurs simultaneously with no stress or stain on the mind itself. Therefore, if negative thoughts and emotions should arise when reading this book there are steps on how to deal with those issue head on.
Corrective Linguistic Programming deals with, in a subtle non-aggressive manner, the most important and frequent conversations a person has in life. The most significant conversations people have in their entire lifetime are the ones they have with themselves. CLP assists in changing this constant dialogue from a negative platform to one which gradually adapts to positive inputs and outputs or conscious and subconscious chatter.
Distinction Between NLP and CLP
NLP , Neuro-Linguistic Programming, can be performed during hypnosis by a hypnotist, hypnotherapist or through some form of device such as; tape recordings, MP3’s, CD’s, DVD’s, television, etc. All of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming can be readily purchased through the Internet. In the case of television, NLP can be used to suggest to the audience they are hungry for a big, fat, greasy burger.ii NLP uses a system which anchors suggestions in these cases without the conscious knowledge of the viewers. This is the negative side of Neuro-linguistic programming.
Keep in mind throughout history any good idea has almost always found its way into the hands of not so credible people.
CLP , Corrective Linguistic Programming, uses your own internal and external dialogue to anchor constructive suggestions in the mind. CLP can be classified in part as self-hypnosis; however, not in the traditional sense. CLP uses multiple forms of constructive trance anchoring outside of conventional hypnosis in its induction process. It is a way for people to recondition the negatively programmed noise of life with success driven optimistic programming.
Subtle, visual stimulations are used through font style changes, pictures, and word placement to give each page a completely different feel. This helps to create a mental picture with a story which will last longer in the psyche once it is committed to long-term memory. Perception of the world, life and circumstances differ for everyone. Therefore, perception of each page will have multiple variations for the individual person reading this book. In other words, CLP allows for personalization according to individual life experiences.
Changing the visual stimulation slightly on intended pages of CLP allows for small stop-gaps or resets in thinking, sensation, and sensitivity. This presents each page of CLP as a completely unique experience. The CLP stop-gap should be thought of as small pauses in the presupposition period before actually engaging completely with the citation, lyric, or poem on each page. In addition this creates a small window of opportunity which can be used to clear imagined imagery from the interaction with the previous page. This creates a new Big Glass Door image.iii If you are unfamiliar with the reference of the “big glass door” be sure you also read Trainwashing; The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing.2
If you wish to exercise a bit of creative writing through CLP , simply apply your own interpretation in writing to each citation. During this exercise words will be released from the subconscious which will give incredible insight concerning the inner self. This is much like Freud’s theory of free association; the CLP citations are the stimulus factor of the writing exercise.iv We can learn a great deal about the inner-self through our writings. Free yourself to experience this CLP practice from an abstract nature. It works more or less in the same manner as self interpretation of dreams. The dream’s message is never actually quite clear and is open to a great deal of imaginative guess work. There will be more on the creative writing aspect of CLP in the “How to Use CLP Lyrics” section.
2 “From the time of your birth and even now you have in your possession a sixth sense. This sixth sense is your Big Glass Door. When you are first born to this Earth and into the body that you possess right now your big glass door was open. Now the sixth sense and the big glass door is the most important door that you can have in your room or in the mind space. The reason the big glass door is most important is this is the door which allows you to attract positive things into your experiences and into your life.” Michaelson Williams, Trainwashing; The Secrets of Positive Brain Washing, chapter 2, page 35, (2012).
By: Michaelson Williams, tsx