My Crypto Journey Continues

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2 years ago

~Michaelson Williams

"There are no guarantee's in crypto, but this one. If you don't prepare you can't win!"

I am an author across multiple genres and serial entrepreneur who always seems to be looking for better ways to help people get ahead in the game of life. I began my crypto journey back in 2017, setting up a crypto miner on my home computer for fun. I started actually investing in crypto in late 2019, and am always looking for new ways to boost my own crypto portfolio. Cryptocurrency excites me so I set out to create my very own token based upon an Idea I had back in 2007 called Cash4Goals. This is how my crypto token "Goal Phoenix Crypto" was born.

I've been advising in the crypto space since March of 2016, after setting up a small mining rig in my home. I was hooked on crypto but still very skeptical as to the longevity of this new money asset class. My skepticism of crypto as potential money was as high as most other people being introduced to this untested means of creating financial freedom.

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During the same period of time I had been doing the circuit promoting my new books. I hadn't finished going back to college so I took a break from learning about crypto and focused on my other projects. When I came back to the crypto space I did so with a new found focus and drive to understand as much as I could about the space. So Here We Are!

The Crypto Game Is Tricky...

And I really want you to win at crypto... This is why I've created my free mini course Building Your Crypto Portfolio for your success.

To your crypto success,

Michaelson Williams

Founder and Creative Director: Goal Phoenix Crypto

Your FREE course awaits ==>

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2 years ago
