Baseline Tips for Building A "True Success" Mindset In 21 Days

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An Exploration Of The True Success Mindset

What Should I Do First?

Stop refusing to move away from old paradigms of thinking by holding on to outdated information you may not fully understand. Without looking for new information about life and the life journey the mind will act as a prison. In this self inflicted Mind-Made prison you are both the prisoner and holder of the key. As the gatekeeper you have complete power to place the prisoner in solitary confinement. This is done by not offering new enlightening information to your own base of knowledge. On the other hand you also have the complete power to set the prisoner free.

Here we will look at some usable tips which will assist in releasing your mind within the next 21 days and beyond. If you set your mind free through offerings of new helpful and constructive data both rewards and creativity are abound. Without the action of learning new information it could mean life imprisonment mentally, which cannot allow True Success to occur. True Success needs the blossoming of entirely new waves of thought, which examine current beliefs, that are solidly based on social conditioning. Not all of this social conditioning can or should be viewed as positive helpful information. Many times the information that we receive through normal mediums are not helpful to us on the life journey.

21 Days Of Mindset Exploration

Adopting the mindset of an explorer seeking new information that will challenge the mind is a path of discovery. If the road toward a higher level of success is too easy someone most likely has already walked it. We learn the most about ourselves when we are challenged by things outside our norms. Make a game of attaining new information about whatever interest you. If you come across information which conflicts with your current beliefs move towards this path as quickly as possible. This is the path that will likely bring the greatest amount of enlightenment to your life. Choosing to take the path that feels the safest doesn't always allow for the best personal growth.

Use the 21 day new habit forming principles to gain new knowledge outside of your normal information gathering. Each day for the next 21 days seek to expand knowledge about one item you didn’t know before you woke this morning. As you interact with this new practice there is bound to be aspects of which you don’t understand, or out right disagree with completely. Use this idea to explore the new information opportunities. Gathering information which is completely new to you will allow for a broadening of mind. The broadening of mind and increase in knowledge will likely help you while communicating with new people. Information transferred into communication is a wonderful tool for opening doors of opportunity.

During your 21 day mindset exploration take notes, so that you understand your level of growth while on the journey. Focus on taking steps that cause you to couple your forward momentum with introspection. Introspection helps to facilitate your self conversations. Live in your head for a bit so you can get to know the language of your inner-self. The person that you spend the greatest amount of time with is yourself, so why not try to understand your self conversation. The ultimate goal here is to come out on the other side of a 21 day mindset exploration much better than when you went in. However, if you fail to be the leader of the expedition you could get lost on the journey. If you do get lost or turned around losing focus on the goal simply start the process over again.

One last pointer that you may want to consider while on your 21 day mindset exploration is meal reduction. You don't have to fast during the 21 days of this higher self learning process, but you definitely don't want to over eat. Eating less while self searching your mind lowers the workload of food processing. Thus blood that would be allocated for food processing can be used for higher brain function and increased focus. The more focused you are on this journey the clearer the information and inner conversations will be. To learn a great deal more about the 21 Day Mindset exploration journey be sure to read Trainwashing, The Secrets Of Positive Brain Washing. Not "brainwashing", "Brain Washing" as there is a difference between the two psychologies.

by: Michaelson Williams, TSX

I am the host of the True Success Xpert Podcast where I interview and sometimes am interviewed by some new age entrepreneurship. This podcast is always exciting and intriguing as the conversations cover a broad spectrum of topics.

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