5 Easy First Steps Toward True Success / part 1

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3 years ago

Overcoming challenges of making the first move toward success can be a pain in the ass. I'm not going to outline a bunch of crap tips that you won't or are unwilling to do. Here we're going to take a look at some simple, easy ways to get your ass in gear. See, success is always at your doorstep, but without the mindset to see it the more elusive it becomes.

So let your mind go, forget what you know and let's fix these BS issues that keep you from your wishes and dreams.

1. One issue to addressed before ever thinking about achieving true success is programming. Mind Control. Either the mind control is negative or it's positive. One gets you want you want, and the other gets you and keeps you what you don't want. It keeps you poor. What you don't want. You may be saying right now "yeah I already knew that, but how do I fix the problem?"

Well, there is going to be a little bit of a fight that needs to go on to address the issues of negative programming. This battle, win or lose happens in the mind. I'm going to make that fight simple, which will allow you to come out the victor. See Cognitive Dissonance has become a huge problem in the minds of people these days. "Cognitive Dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance."

2. Stop Clicking

Stop clicking around the internet. The internet is a trap that will keep you broke. The "rabbit hole" is out there and it's sucking your time away faster than you know. Limit your time "researching" and spend more time taking action. The internet is full of distractions both positive and negative. Do this easy exercise to see how much time you're wasting online. Count how many YouTube videos you watch in a couple hours. If the average video is only two minutes long think how much time you've lost.

Another easy way to know if you are spending to much time watching crap on the net is to stop cold turkey. Stop the internet altogether. If when you stop your internet activity you feel like anxiety is creeping in, you're in trouble. The internet is making you its slave. Don't allow yourself to be a slave to anything or anyone. Fill that void with some good old faction pen to paper expression. Let it out! Write for 5 minutes a day, and allow your mind to regain its true strength back.

3. Stop Listening

Stop listening to all these so called "gurus" telling you how to get rich on YouTube. By the way you are not likely going to find me on YouTube any time soon. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of good people out there on the internet that are trying to help other people. There is also a bunch of garbage out in the web that will keep you stuck. It's not called the Worldwide WEB for nothing.

The web of self-help and personal development can also be a trap that actually slows your growth. See while you should be talking action your actions are stealing precious time away. Limit your time listening and reading what the "gurus" have to say and spend more time making mistakes. The mistakes you make while working toward True Success will teach you more than any "guru". You have to get a few battle scares to build a mindset ready for True Success. Take Action Now!

By: Michaelson Williams

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

You should try to put a little more effort into your comment. Comments like the one here is not going to help you points. Try making comments that are more relevant to the content being posted. This will help to increase your points and people will trust you more. I guess your comment here was about the baby picture in the header not the article itself. Thank you!

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3 years ago