Work from Home prospects

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2 years ago
February 25, 2022

Is work from home effective? Should it be continued or it should be abandoned?

In my previous article, I expressed the changes COVID 19 brought in our life from companies, schools, and other sectors, in this article, I am going to talk about COVID 19 which brings a "Work from Home" Culture and what can be expected out of it as a further prospect.

When the world was quivering with the outbreak of COVID, the developed countries easily switched to work from home culture and guides their working employee to deliver their works from home's snug. It is very likely possible that this new culture may not be new for them unless it is completely guided out. But if we throw lights on middle and low-income countries watching and adapting this work from home culture was quite new, instant, and explicable.

Like I said previously every coin has two sides so has this new culture.

Definitely in the outset employees must be overwhelmed with joy that they can work from, no need to go office at the same time every day, traveling by the same bus, sipping that same boring coffee of the machine, sitting on the same desk with piles of files asking for your attention and sitting in the same cafeteria in the lunchtime.

Now, people were enjoying the flexibility varying from their clothes to kitchen comfort. They no longer need to wear the same formals and can work on their couch, dining table, or their bed. But it was no longer when it was being enjoyed by many of them. They started getting tired of sitting in the home all day and night, cannot move to any social places, or attend any birthday party of their friends, colleagues and it took a toll on their mental state when their children become little stubborn and keep on poking them for every little of their demand, it was quite a dilemma to control their children's behaviour of prolonged hours of screen time and who knows what they are actually surfing on that screen and are they not in some kind of bad influence from the internet.? In contrast, they were having a plethora of time to be friends with their children and their family.

I have been talking about the wee-past and present situation of this culture and it will be very unwise of me not to talk about the future prospects of this new culture, with the lockdown being lifted up and opening of the economy on a full-scale this new culture may be abandoned for some time. But abandoning this culture will be one of the naive decisions.

I am of the opinion that this culture should be continued of course not on a full scale but flexibly. When our beautiful earth is advancing in the research of HIV and cancer it is also struggling with climate change and pollution. Let's not forget that many working employees travel to their workplace in their private vehicles, If the work from home culture is continued in its partial state then people would not have to drive every day to their office in their private vehicles and it will help them in reducing their carbon footprint and at the same time the city will be gifted with less traffic on usual hours. They may be able to attend their kid's parent-teacher meeting and are likely to attend their kid's various sports, games and other co-curricular participation without worrying about taking a leave from their work.

Now you may think that even if they are working from home they still have to work on their screen rather than attending their kid's activities. But, in this culture, one positive aspect is that you can convince your colleagues to switch their working hours with yours for example day and night shifts or other flexible hours. This not only helps reduce your carbon footprint or traffic problem but when your kids see your presence in their functions they not will be happy to see you there but their self-confidence and their self-esteem will heighten up. And of course, this may seem very small things to attend your 12-year-old child's football match but these participations matters a lot for your kids. This is their growing stage and with your efforts at par with them, they will be growing to their maximum potential.

As we can see that usually corporates job like 9-5 job are like people leave their home at 8 in the morning and come back at 8 in the evening and is hardly left with their personal time, Another beautiful thing which can be seen out of this culture is the employees will have their personal time more than they already had (Saturday and Sunday and half of which was spent usually in sleeping, resting or completing their office work) and when they are having their personal time they would see themselves involved in their hobbies, interests, passion and other activities to hang out with like physical workout and their skills will be enhanced they can be more participating member of the society which ultimately will boost the skill of the country and willingness of the people to create a much healthier environment to build and thus all these factors will definitely help to enhance the economies happiness index, or the air quality index and providing a better environment for our kids to grow up with.

I would appreciate it if you engage in the comment section about other positive aspects we can have with this culture.

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Thank you. Have a learning day.

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2 years ago


I really prefer to work from home if it comes to working on or well-known platforms, as this has become my job. But I don't like teaching online, it's really uncomfortable, but I don't want to risk giving private lessons because not all people take care of themselves, I've been taking care of myself a lot and I don't have a lot of money to be able to pay for medicine if I get sick. So it's a pretty delicate decision. Being cooped up working or in a crowded place also affects our emotions a lot. Maybe if we are at home we feel lonely, while at work, even if we get along well or badly with a colleague, we are surrounded by people with whom we can share and this would not affect, I think, our mental health, which is important, but maybe being at home for a long time makes us ill.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I appreciate your views ArteFM and your time reading the article thoroughly and expressing your views)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks my friend, I think the best job is where you feel comfortable, either at home or in an office.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

indeed so very true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Somewhat I agree with you, this time parents can have more time for their children's than usual.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It has good sides if he or she does not gets lazy to work from home. Maybe in office they will do the office job with the best because thesurrounding environment will set up with the working place but in home that kind of environment rearely build up. You have written good by the way.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for expressing your views)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are most welcome dear friend. It feels good to express.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Work from home have advantages and disadvantages. On my part I can't work properly at home. My bed keeps on calling me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

hahah yes I guess this happens with many out there

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is actually dependent on certain factors. While some companies can function with such arrangement, some can't. Another thing is that working from home actually reduces productivity in some cases as one can be easily distracted

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Of course it is quite distracting too,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good article work from home prospects..we should do it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

thanks maahi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Prior to the pandemic, some companies have already introduced flexible working schedules for their employees, where some days during the week or month, they work from their home. I think it is a good move actually.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

woow that was amazing I never knew that

$ 0.00
2 years ago