Giving the Best We Can To Get the Best We Can

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2 years ago

When it comes to understanding and embracing and helping to grow our web3 brands, we, as content creators, must also be prepared to put in a lot of hard work to learn and to improve our craft.

Imagine booking a reservation at a high end, well reputed, exclusive restaurant served by the world’s top chefs.

As a guest of that restaurant, you would have a very high expectation for top tier ambience, impeccable service, and a near heavenly cuisine, right? And I’d hazard a guess that you’d be quite willing to pay top dollar for the experience.

Image courtesy Unsplash

Well, what if, after confirming your reservation and showing up to the restaurant, you are exposed to a sub par ambience, average service and food that was just good enough? I’m guessing that you’d be terribly disappointed.

You don’t give rave reviews for just good enough

And so what would you do at a restaurant that under performs?

Well, it depends, right? If the food isn’t terrible, after going to extreme lengths to confirm a seat, you’d probably stick around for a bit, sample the food and try to get your money’s worth or as much as possible out of the experience, before leaving the restaurant dissatisfied.

One thing’s for sure though: if your expectations weren’t met, you won’t feel moved to encourage anyone else to follow in your footsteps and you won’t be moved to visit the restaurant again either. It simply would not be worth the trouble.

The range and quality of food a restaurant offers together with its ambience and hospitality sets the restaurant apart from others. Recognizing this, chefs are very serious about their brand: the restaurants they are affiliated with, the location, the presentation of their food, the taste, the satisfaction of their customers. 

I am proposing that the same applies to us as content creators.

As we continue to work together on web3 social engagement platforms like Read Cash, embracing new innovation that seeks to decentralize and level the playing field for creators around the world and empower us with the ability to own and monetize our content, I think it is important- if we haven’t already been doing so- to think about creating the right ambience, providing exclusive and quality service, and setting up impeccable dishes before our consumers so that they will want to pay top dollar for what we have to offer without feeling cheated.

The best chefs aim to produce food that is healthy and tasty- not too rich so that it is overwhelming- but tantalizing, teasing the palate of consumers and leaving them yearning for more. If we can achieve this goal, as creators, I believe that that’s where we’d get the rave reviews.

We must be prepared to build a castle before we throw parties in it

Many of the world’s top tier chefs didn’t arrive by their titles overnight. It took a lot of hard work and dedication. As a writer with some experience, this is a very humbling moment for me, but I see so much potential in the future, I am excited for what can happen.

I took a break from posting on Read Cash recently because I had bitten off quite a lot for all the platforms I was seeking to build a presence on and I wanted to get some clarity about my focus going forward.

And so, this is my brand:

  • Publish0x- As iHODL, I write about cryptocurrency. (Followers to date- 607)

  • Blurt- As Trifecta-tt, I share poetry. (Followers to date- 0)

  • Peakd/Ecency/Hive- As Trifecta-tt, I freewrite, share short stories and poetry. (Followers to date- 18)

  • Medium- I share short stories. (Followers to date- 6)

  • 3Speak- TBD

  • DTube-TBD

  • ReadCash- As Trifecta, I share life stories. (Followers to date- 54)

And so, this is where I am today, not simply writing because I think I can, but rather resolving to try to learn new tools and mechanisms which can be valuable as a write, trying to understand the platforms on which I am establishing a presence and hoping to build a relationship of mutual respect with the audiences I propose to serve.

There’s a ways ahead for me yet, I know, but ultimately this is my goal: I am a chef. The content I create is my dish. I want my diners to desire the food I prepare, and I am prepared to work really hard from the ground up to achieve that goal. So, perhaps no top tier prices for me today or tomorrow or the next week or month as I grow, but I’ll get there someday.

I think if we can all approach content creation from a perspective like this, willing to learn, committed to helping the platforms we work on grow, and taking the growth part of it seriously- ensuring that when we bring people online, they meet the right atmosphere, can sample from the best dishes and leave with rave reviews to onboard others- then we will be well positioned to continue to chart a path of success. The sky would be the limit, guys. That’s what I believe.

And so, my friends, those are my thoughts about content creation on any web3 social engagement platform that proposes to pay users for creating and curating content. Let’s give the best we can to get the best we can, right? We can all grow together. Who’s with me?

$ 0.71
$ 0.59 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Talecharm
$ 0.05 from @Aimure
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Avatar for Trifecta
2 years ago


The fact that you made this article definitely help, not only the new users but the users who already been in a platform for so long, to make such good contents that they could share, and made readers love your work. Thanks for this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As interesting as this may seem, I know nothing about the Hive

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree on this. These platforms are much more than just the earnings. It is a community with a lot of potentials, most of which are untapped. If we all agree to give in our best the results will be amazing. I can see you have other online engagements as well hence your absence. I am on hive too but I am still unacquainted with it, I don't have a proper mentor and it all seems so intimidating haha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is exactly it @DocLayla! :) If we can think first of the potential and help to polish that a bit, I believe the earnings can grow exponentially for all of us. What's your Hive? I'll follow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right dear. I go by drogomystic on hive. I have intentions to engage more there in May.

$ 0.00
2 years ago