My hectic 14-week semester but a gratifying one

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1 year ago

Finally, I am able to pen down my semester and the busyness that I experienced the past 4 months or so. It's my 12th year now as an Educator, growing up, I never ever thought I would be an educator, I repeat..... NEVER! Growing up, I always wanted to be a vet but my science and biology just SUCKED soooo badly then I wanted to become a professional sportsman, majoring in Tennis. I was never the studious type as I concentrated a lot of my time on sports and activities, just being outdoors. This story is for another day.

This opportunity to venture into teaching came at a very opportune time in my life. I decided to quit the corporate world to answer a calling from God to work full-time at church. In doing that, everything in all aspects was made smooth the moment I made the decision. I took up teaching at a nearby College as a part-timer, fulfilling almost 20 hours per week. Then in 2014, I decided to do my Master in view of going into teaching full time which I did, in 2016.

In 12 years, I have seen my style, values, and methods change as the generation progresses. It's not easy because it takes a lot for me to understand the changes, then apply the changes. Mind you, this is dealing with humans I'm talking about, the most complicated being you can think of.

The past semester, I was given 3 100% coursework courses (aka subjects) which means I will not have to worry about setting exam questions and marking them. That being said, 3 100% coursework only means a super hectic 14-week semester! 1 PR Fundraising event (Diploma students), 1 Advertising Campaign (Bachelor students), and final year thesis students, 4 of them. On top of that, I am in management so the work from there itself, well... I shall not even begin. I was initially given only 1 event to teach but due to unforeseen circumstances with another colleague of mine, the other event course was handed to me. I accepted it with openness and of course, I knew I could do it albeit being super busy.

On numerous occasions, I have received comments that being an educator in my case, a lecturer in a University is a very easy and free job. Many thought I just need to fulfill the weekly teaching hours and then we were done and free. On the contrary, we're actually very busy because if you understand the times we're in now, it is actually not easy teaching and educating as you would think. Many times, I work overtime because the job requires it and I can't fix a set time for it. Many times, I would be involved in counseling students for issues that they're facing be it in their studies or in their personal life, this is on top of my usual hours and consultations.

The launch of the Charity Campaign. This is a fundraising event to raise funds for The National Autism Society of Malaysia. Usually, for the launching ceremony, I would spend a minimum of 2 hours rehearsing with my students a day prior. It is to ensure, not just the program flow but the emcee, the movements on stage, the mannerism, the background music, the song timing, the timing of the gimmick, the token of appreciation session, the performance, etc goes smoothly and that the students involved would know every detail without missing them out.

My students managed to invite Clarence Kang an autistic pianist who has won some awards to perform together with his mother. It was probably the best part of the launch and it was super moving that it brought some people to tears. Clarence's mother wrote the song herself of her struggles and the hope she believes in raising an autistic child.

My students invited Ahmad Uzair's and his family to conduct a sharing session during the event. Ahmad Uzaid the boy in the white t-shirt is the middle child and is autistic. Uzair's brother and mother shared what it is like living with a high-energy autistic brother and son. It's amazing how family support and love are!

TAR UC Unites For Autism! Raising awareness isn't enough, accepting that autistic people are just like us without discrimination is important too!

Some activities were conducted to raise funds. Selling of items while taking profit sharing from the vendors, basketball competitions, art auctions, online charity sales and donation drive.

Family members of the student committee taking time off to attend the event to show their support. So happen, her sister was my ex student too graduated 8 years ago.

A cheque presentation ceremony of MYR25,305.91 in total was raised! The original target was MYR10,000 and then MYR15,000. How amazing my students did to raise above and beyond that amount. On the left is the Dean of my faculty and on the right is the President of The National Autism Society of Malaysia.

Here are the student leaders of the Charity Campaign. I have them divided into departments in charge of different areas such as Fundraising, Publicity & Promotions, Logistic & Manpower, Sponsorship & Finance, and Creative & Design. We meet weekly on Thursdays after class hours from 5 pm till whatever time we end.

The advertising campaign leaders, also called Project Coordinators conduct a morning briefing before the campaign begins. Briefings are very important as there are many things to be emphasised and coordinated. I usually do not conduct such briefings because I train the leaders to do so.

The launching ceremony of the advertising campaign in collaboration with Microsoft Malaysia. This is by far the biggest client I have ever engaged for any of my students' events in the past 12 years.

These are the project coordinators giving a speech during the launching ceremony. One may be a very good leader but they may not be good speakers and with me, I like throwing them into the deep waters to learn and overcome their weaknesses, of course with much guidance. I thought they did very well though they were shaking! haha

This is the scene at the advertising campaign where the students were tasked to promote 1Microsoft which consists of Microsoft Surface laptops, Microsoft Office software, and its accessories. The tough part was to make it interesting and relatable to their peers in the Uni.

My colleague Abid partnered with me with this campaign. He mainly oversees all the Creative & Multimedia sections whereas I would look into all management and operations parts. By the way, he drew that!

The Microsoft Academy TAR UC committee, 34 of them worked super duper hard through this very busy and hectic semester. I am very appreciative of each and every one of them because I know it wasn't easy, especially dealing with an external client of such caliber.

Introducing my MVPs for this semester. I am ultimately so grateful for these two persons, Ally & Yun Hui who are the Project Coordinators for Microsoft Academy TAR UC. They're probably the best leaders I have ever worked with thus far. Without them, the event wouldn't have been a success. That's how important they are and they're like an extension of me. What a dream come true! In this photo, I brought them out of town for a meal in appreciation for their hard work and heart.

These two events were held in the same week, literally back-to-back. One Monday - Wednesday and the other Thursday & Friday. The next week, I was down with Covid! Coincidence? Haha! Maybe not, maybe it's God telling me I MUST REST and RECUPERATE! It was in overdrive mode for a good 3 weeks while going through something personally too. It was tough but now that I look back, I know God was with me all the way and it's amazing because I haven't been having proper sleep for 2 months yet I never felt like I had no energy. Once I recovered from Covid, it was a mad dash towards completing marking, grading, and moderating all the assignments before the deadline. So happen, there was a lot of other work with deadlines close to each other. I DID IT! Finally able to slow down although there are still a lot of other matters to look into at least my brain are not working overtime and overdrive anymore.

Thank you for reading all the way til the end (if you made it! haha). I know it was a long one but I had to document it to remember what I have gone through and give thanks for everything. As an educator, it is gratifying when you see your students learn and change for the better in just 14 weeks (1 semester). It's a tough feat but not impossible and I am humbled to be able to do what I do.

As I end, for now, I NEED A BREAK! I NEED A HOLIDAY! NO EVENTS! Haha... I am gearing up for another event subject in February 2023, for now..... REST IT IS! Educators need time off too! hehe...

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1 year ago
