What is Sep20? A quick view on an easy for beginners token group.

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1 year ago


Hey guys, sorry for being so absolutely silent, some things were going on and so finishing this video took WAY longer then it should have. But here it is. 'What is SEP20?' is the latest video finally detailing one of the main groups I'm in.

Special thanks to Cheap Lightning, for helping me check the audio and giving me some ideas! He's been an absolute bro!

A quick rundown: Sep 20 is a SBCH token group that currently hosts tons of small BCH token projects from NFT's to market models. It's a fairly cheap and easy place to slot into and talk to people over crypto and to dip your feet into the crypto world. In terms of communities it's active and responsive, where a lot of larger telegram rooms or discords easily drown people out or have bots that make it difficult to easily ask questions if you're lost.

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