How to maintain our health?

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Avatar for Tofan73
4 years ago

1- Environmental, social and economic factors and conditions.

2- The quality of health care services and how they are provided.

3. People's lifestyle and health behaviors.

Currently, the face of diseases in the world, including our country, has changed and with the eradication, elimination, control and reduction of cases of communicable diseases, we are witnessing the outbreak of non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, etc.) caused by factors It is an environment that overcomes them on the one hand, changing the way of life and changing people's attitudes and behaviors.

This series attempts to address some of the most important health-promoting factors in society so that we can keep in mind the health benefits of being one of God's greatest blessings.


In order to maintain good health and reduce the risk of illness first, the following tips for healthy eating are essential.

- Eat varied and balanced main food groups in your daily diet plan. These include bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, meats, beans and eggs.

Eat less fat: Some fats increase the risk of heart disease, including solid vegetable oils, animal fats such as tallow, lentils and butter.

Eat boiled, cooked, baked and grilled foods instead of fried foods, and use liquid vegetable oils instead of solid vegetable oils. Fish, olive and kernel oils are good sources of useful oils.

- Do not use ordinary liquid oils and olive oils for frying because they are very unstable and susceptible to heat and special frying oil should be used.

Eat less of these foods:

Types of sweets, cakes, chocolates, candies and all kinds of sweet desserts. Variety of jams, butter, cream, yogurt. Chips and fatty sauces. Canned and industrial beverages and juices.

Eat more of these foods:

Use fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and whole grains, as fiber lowers blood lipids, especially cholesterol.

Use bread made from bran flour such as sangak and barley.

Use fresh vegetables instead of frozen vegetables.

Eating garlic on a daily or raw basis is effective in lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure.

People's tastes come from childhood. Foster a child's interest in healthy foods from this time on.


The advances in technology and the mechanization of societies, in addition to their positive effects, have significant negative consequences, such as chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and the risk of death. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate proper and sufficient exercise into daily life.

The benefits of exercise:

It improves heart function in the body and eliminates the risk of hypertension and vascular stenosis. It improves blood supply to the muscles. Increases respiratory function and creates vitality and vitality in humans. Does more.

Appropriate physical activity:

1- Type of activity:

Exercises are effective as exercise in which the movements of large and multiple muscle groups are performed with less force and resistance and in the form of repetitive and sometimes rhythmic movements.

These include running, hiking, biking and swimming.

2. Frequency of activities:

Doing physical activity on a daily basis is most desirable. You should exercise at least three days a week and exercise for less than three days has little effect.

3. Duration of activity:

The minimum time for each exercise is half an hour, which can be divided into shorter turns (at least 15 minutes).

4- Time and activity:

Moderate air is the best condition for exercise. Avoid exercise in very hot and cold weather. Exercise should be done at least 2 hours after meals.

5. Activity intensity:

The intensity of the exercise should be at a level that is described by the average performer himself and the maximum heart rate expected to be 220 min / min.

Two important points in walking:

Keep your head high and your back straight.

2. Bend the elbow as you step.

Mental Health:

Health has many dimensions and mental health is one of the most important aspects. Mental health includes mental well-being and enhancing the abilities of individuals in the community and empowering them to achieve their goals.

Mental health is relevant to all people, not just those who suffer from mental illness. A person with mental health is not about avoiding the pressures of life, but about trying to identify, accept and overcome them through their reactions to these factors.

Ways to Prevent Psychological Problems:

1. Accept that nothing and no one is perfect.

2. Whatever situation you face in life, first check if that situation is really worth the effort.

3. Try to always keep your mind focused on the enjoyable aspects of life and things that may improve your situation.

4 - Even after enduring the biggest failures, try to fight back with thoughts of failure by remembering your past successes.

5. Do not delay doing so when facing a task that is very painful but at the same time unavoidable to achieve your goals.

6. Avoid extremes, sometimes morale and sometimes weakness, try to achieve some form of balance and balance.

7. Give yourself strength and energy. Physical health care is essential for the care and maintenance of mental health.

8. Be optimistic, if you are always looking to see what is lacking in your life, your sense of self will be worse than it is. So look for the positive aspects of your life.

Finally, remember that there is no pre-made formula for success that suits everyone.


Addiction is a person's drug addiction, which increases over time as one becomes more addicted to the drug when it becomes fully dependent on the drug and becomes caught in the grip of an addiction.

Addiction destroys one's abilities and adds to one's problems, thus becoming known as an individual and social disorder.

Drug warning signs:

1. Frequent absences at home, school, work, etc.

2. Frequent requests for money for the unknown.

3. Not paying attention to personal hygiene and body odor and clothing.

4- Change the hours of sleep and food (sleeping late and waking up late).

5- Withdrawing from family members.

6. Ignoring the moral and social values ​​and rules of home and family.

7- Change the face color especially the lips area.

8. Loneliness, sadness, nervousness, agitation, and anxiety.

9- Finding drugs and cigarettes.

The Role of the Family in Addiction Prevention:

1. Families should be aware of popular drugs that may be used by adolescents and young people.

Know the symptoms of substance abuse and its effects.

3. Parents should be aware of risky times and places and the opportunities and environments that their children may be exposed to.

4- Make friends with the children and monitor their movements.

5. Knowing the ways and skills of strengthening family relationships and creating a good relationship will leave no room for their children to feel lonely and hopeless.

6. Parents should remind their children of their positive abilities and strengthen their decision-making power in their children.

7. Avoid family conflicts.

8. Plan for your child's unemployment time.

9. Be a good role model for your children.

10. Teach peers to resist peer pressure

Establish a law and order in the family.

Key points in traffic accident prevention:

1- Using seat belt:

Not wearing seat belts and other road safety conditions, such as baby seats, etc. are important causes of death and injury from road accidents.

2- Speed:

At high speeds and at unauthorized speeds, the chance of an accident is increased, exceeding the speed limit specified by traffic experts. Note that driving at an acceptable speed can prevent accidents.

3. Driver's Alertness or Fatigue:

Driver fatigue is a very important factor that increases the rate of accidents and also increases their severity.

People who sleep three hours or less a day are at higher risk of accidents.

4. Observe legal distance:

Keeping the proper distance with the rear car (4 cars at 60 km / h) and front-wheel drive (the minimum distance for timely response is 3 seconds from the front car after a complete stop) is important in reducing road accidents.

5. Appropriate vision:

Seeing and seeing is the most fundamental factor in making roads safe. Most pedestrian and cyclist accidents occur in the twilight at dawn or at night, possibly due to inadequate visibility.

6. Pay attention to traffic signs and road joints:

It should be noted that the road belongs to all drivers with different behaviors. Offensive behavior and competition in driving should be avoided separately and traffic signs should be constantly monitored.

do you know:

A brief rest after 2 hours of driving is very effective in preventing accidents. The chance of pedestrians surviving a collision at a speed of 45 km / h is less than 50%.

So let's:

Think deeper about accidents and prevent traffic accidents for ourselves and others by following traffic laws and safety laws.


Tobacco smoking is one of the exacerbating factors of cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Cigarette smoke has more than 4,000 chemical compounds, at least 43% of the compounds found in carcinogenic cigarettes. The addictive substance in cigarettes is nicotine, which affects heart rate and blood pressure. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide, which reduces the amount of oxygen the tissues receive.

Tobacco Side Effects:

1- Social losses:

Smoking is a form of addiction. Cigarette addiction itself is prone to drug addiction, alcoholism, poverty and delinquency, especially in young people.

2- Economic losses:

In Iran, 1000 billion tomans are spent on cigarettes annually and 2000-3000 billion tomans (2 to 3 times the cost of consumption) are also spent on the treatment of tobacco related diseases.

One-third of the fires in Tehran were semi-lit because of cigarette butts.

3. Physical complications:

Complications such as: lung cancer, obstructive bowel disease, heart disease, vascular disorders, wrinkles, gastrointestinal problems, eye disorders, osteoporosis, abortion, low birth weight, etc.

do you know:

Tobacco has been implicated in smoking in more than 10 types of cancers, 2 strokes, and 80 diseases and is one of the leading causes of early and sudden deaths.

Not only smokers, but also those in their vicinity, suffer from smoking. Breathing in cigarette smoke causes sudden deaths in infants, respiratory diseases, middle ear infections in children as well as lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in the elderly.

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4 years ago
