At early birth stage or period some of us do have some marks or mark on our skin but we do not know what they mean or why they are there. Those marks are called birthmarks.
Birthmarks are common skin discolorations that appear on the skin at birth or early life. These marks according to Pre historians and historians are tales from our past ancestors that is these marks on our skin serves as a notification and representation of our ancestral deities.
Scientists and dermatologist say these marks are outcomes of an overgrowth of blood vessels in the body, but having these marks doesn’t mean you’re ill or sick it’s just a mark and nothing more.
These birthmarks appear in different shades of colors, shapes and sizes alike. Hence philosophers with their myth and superstitions say some of these birthmarks are traceable to some ancestral ornaments and sacred objects with respect to their shapes. The medical health professionals say birthmarks can be genetically inherited from predecessors; however there is still doubt about this proposition. While others say there’s no legit explanation to the origin of birthmarks rather than it was placed by God.
People have birthmarks and they feel it’s a sign of mental and unstable health, yes this may be true and we will find out about that in my next post.
You are right about this