Axie Infinity - Dapp hunted by 0x2b47...e278 🌘🦉🌒

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Axie Infinity - Dapp hunted by 0x2b47...e278 🌘🦉🌒

Axie Infinity is a 3v3 turn-based strategy game featuring ERC721 non-fungible tokens that are unique with various battling features and traits.

Their token, the SLP (Small Love Potion), is used to breed new Axies.

Features of Axie Infinity ✅

- Gameplay Model: Play to Earn

- Native in-game ERC20 token: SLP

- Gaming Modes: Battle, Adventure & Breeding

Currently, Axie Infinity has:

- 90,000+ ETH Traded on AxieInfinity Marketplace

- The most expensive Axie was sold for 300 ETH

- 250,000+ Daily active player

Read Insights on Axie Infinity:

Hunt the Dapp on:

$ 0.00
