What is Bitcoin
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency Now the question is - what is this cryptocurrency again? In common parlance, cryptocurrency is a symbolic or virtual currency. There is no real form of this virtual currency, meaning that cryptocurrency can only be traded online. Virtual currency i.e. cryptocurrency cannot be kept in the pocket, cannot be caught or touched i.e. it does not exist in reality.
An example can be given to get a clear idea about cryptocurrency. There are many such mobile apps that the users of the app get a virtual point gift when they make a purchase by installing. Gift points received from those apps can be used for later purchases or transactions. If anyone has experience using MyGP app, it should be understood already. These gift points are basically called cryptocurrencies.
There are currently thousands of cryptocurrencies online. Some of the cryptocurrencies are of international standard and some are of local or regional standard. Bitcoin is one such cryptocurrency that is internationally accepted. Bitcoin is very popular among cryptocurrencies and its acceptance is higher than other cryptocurrencies. So how do we earn bitcoin; I will discuss that in stages.