Princess donuts with confectionery cream

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Donut dough:

200 ml of water

100 ml of oil

150 g of sharp flour (maybe soft, but I recommend it sharp because it is looser and the donuts grow better, plus they bake better inside, they don't stay gooey)

1 tablespoon sugar

4 - 5 eggs (now why 4 to 5, because eggs are smaller and larger, usually 4 is enough, but as I had smaller ones it was necessary to walk an egg and that can be one of the reasons why donuts fail, when strictly follow the recipe that has eggs in pieces)

Confectionery cream:

6 yolks

750 ml of milk

180 g of sugar

90 g density / starch / starch

90 g of butter

More: 500 ml of sweet sour cream


Put 600 ml of milk on the fire.

Whisk the egg yolks, sugar, thickener and remaining milk in a large bowl.

When the milk boils, shake it over the whipped mass, stir and return to the sherpa and over medium heat to cook.

Why are we doing this? In this way, there are no lumps, when it is boiled in boiling milk, lumps form very easily.

Pour the cooked cream into a bowl, cover with foil and leave to cool.

Make donuts right away.

Mix water and oil, add sugar and put on the fire to boil.

As soon as it boils, add flour and mix vigorously. Extinguish the fire, stir a little more, then remove to cool.

Stir a few more times because the bottom of the sherpa is still hot so that it does not catch.

Leave to cool for about 10 minutes.

Add one egg at a time and beat with a mixer. Smaller 5 eggs, large 4.

Turn on the oven to heat to 200 degrees and then use a syringe (as shown in the video) to squeeze out the dough for the donuts or shape them with a spoon.

Bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes. That's enough for my oven. It depends on how you are. If you’re afraid they haven’t baked inside or are baked and just fall off, it means they aren’t baked enough. Reduce the temperature to 130 and bake for another 10-15 minutes, after that time turn off the oven and open the door a little, leaving them for another 5 minutes.

Cut the cooled caps in half.

Whip the cooled cream with a mixer. That cream is ready and ready. It can be enriched with more butter or whipped cream.

For us, the confectionery cream is quite strong. Whisk in the sweet sour cream, then add about a quarter of the cream and whisk. So it becomes creamier, fuller and more airy.

Fill the donuts first with confectioner's cream, then with a layer of sweet sour cream.

In the end, we finish everything with caps and powdered sugar.


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