Principles of wealth the top 1% keep secret, to keep you poor.

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5 months ago

Has it ever occured to you, why the most important aspect of one's life - finance, is literally ignored by the school system? If so, do you often theorize the system has been hijacked by a select few who aim to impoverish and make docile the vast population of earth?

What about accounting, business management and other financial courses "taught" in schools? may ask. My simple response to such a question is why don't we have as many millionaires and billionaires as the number of graduates from these courses? There is only one possible explanation, because the system is rigged!

Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying education is not important, but then it is being used as a tool to suppress our full financial potential, by training you to be an employee and living from paycheck to paycheck, without any knowledge of investment of the money we earn.

To achieve the level of wealth we all dream of, we need a sufficient amount of financial literacy,and the sole purpose of this article is to enlighten you of the strategies and contingencies that must be put in place, to set you up for success. Follow through, as I hold your hand through this exciting journey of realizing financial security.

First and foremost is the idea of saving money. This idea has been deeply engraved into our brains as the best way to make sure you never go broke. Well, spoiler alert!! is one of the worst forms of financial suicide you can ever commit. Traditional currencies are designed in such a way that, their values decrease over time. This is called depreciation, hence what a $100 could buy in the year 1900 is way more than what a $100 can afford today. It is bound to happen, so saving your money for hopes of future use only reduces it's purchasing power when the future comes. Instead, the best way to save money is to buy assets such as gold coins whose value would increase in the coming years and maintain the value of your money if you are to sell.

Now, this brings us to the idea of assets and liabilities. Assets are properties that put money in our pocket, whereas liabilities are properties that take money from our pocket. We usually confuse liabilities as assets, without realizing how much it is draining our bank accounts. For instance, someone who is not that financially stable but managed to gather just enough money to buy a car, may think he has achieved something big and defying all the odds. Now, what about the weekly expenses of buying fuel that would continuously be eating up into the little you have, so far as you own the car? We have been tricked into thinking houses, cars and other properties are assets, not acknowledging the fact that they can be liabilities.

Moreover, if you aspire to be rich, you must come to the realization that working a job would not do the trick -even a $150,000 salary a year isn't enough. Rich people do not work for money, like employees do. Instead, money works for the rich people. For the young people starting out, it is okay to pick up a job in order to gather enough savings for investment in a business idea . I would talk about smart investments and startups in subsequent articles. Developing an entrepreneur mindset is a crucial step in the path to making it big. Product innovation is another important element to generating wealth. By solving problems that appeals to a large audience, cash flow is just within an arm's reach. Bill Gates, a renowned billionaire started Microsoft, which provides multiple internet services to the entire globe. It wasn't big from the beginning, remember to always start small and improvements would be seen over time.

Lastly, and probably the most important aspect is, how to stay rich once you get rich. Many celebrities and athletes who made millions during their Hay days have now gone broke. It is important to note that, success is not forever and you must be financially literate enough to sustain your wealth over long periods of time. This can be done by ensuring your assets far outweigh your liabilities such that income far exceeds your expenses. This is an important metric to keep track of always, so that extravagant spending barely affects your net worth.

I hope we have learnt something today that will help shape how we think about money, and improve our financial aptitude. This channel is specially dedicated to helping the masses attain financial freedom with in depth analysis of effective strategies to achieve wealth. Keep an eye on this channel if you desire more financial enlightenment. Thanks for reading.

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5 months ago
