Blood-Spilling: PADUGO

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3 years ago

A well-known rite in the Philippines is the "Padugo" or blood-spilling.

It is believed that buildings and structures like houses, schools, skyscrapers, and bridges drive away evil spirits by having offerings made to them.

Have traditional and cultural practices occurred at the same time? Please explain.

Is it still done?

Kumaw is a nickname for some indigenous northerners. Children were believed to go missing whenever there was a major building project in their neighbourhood, especially at noon.

It was rumored that in order to appease the ghosts, blood must be spilled on the very building's foundation to preserve it and avert a calamity.

Goat, chicken, pig's blood are commonly sacrificed on foundation foundations as part of the "buho". Some use human blood instead of animal blood.

Related events have been logged. On November 17, 1981, scaffolding fell during the building of the Manila Film Center, resulting in 169 deaths. According to rumors, the bodies were not found, and were under the concrete of the mentioned company. Some individuals who have visited the building reported hearing weeping sounds and moans of men thought to be entombed alive.

During the construction of the San Juanico Bridge, the longest in the country connecting the provinces of Samar and Leyte, it was alleged that children had disappeared in the provinces of Samar and Leyte when the bridge was completed.

Filipinos believe that blood spilled in construction will bring bad luck. Stiff structures can keep negative spirits at bay.

When it comes to missing children, no evidence of this technique has been discovered.This story was probably merely made up to terrify children and isn't played during high noon.

Additionally, no construction firms can confirm this practice. There appears to be no harm in viewing this, as long as there is no human blood mixed in with the cement.

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