Your smile

3 10

I hate it when you smile

It makes my heart run for a mile

It stuns me for a second or two

And leaves my mind in 'Ow'

But your smile makes my day

Wanna see it day by day

Since I'm gonna be miles away

I'm gonna miss it everyday

I'm afraid I might be lost

With just a glimpse of it

I feel like I am boozed

Ready to fly and discomposed

When you pass by

All I can think of is your smile

I am enthralled

Eventually makes me a thrall

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wow atleast you still have it ! congrats and keep on writing articles! im sure you're a good writer :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I wrote this piece last 2018 for a friend whom I became close to. But he didn't know this exists. Hahaha

$ 0.00
4 years ago