Revolut Learn and earn answers: Get $14 worth of PolkaDot free crypto

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago

I am always a big fan of learn and earn crypto opportunities. I have made a decent amount of money through learn and earn opportunities. Check out the opportunities on Coinbase if you haven't already where I have also given the answers (Coinbase learn and earn answers). Now you can earn $14 free cryptocurrency with these Revolut Learn and earn answers.

What is revolut?

Revolut is a digital bank that I have got a lot of time for and seeing them step into crypto is exciting. Their learn and earn have to be one of the most generous for a while. What's more, you can claim and if so choose, sell straight away. But with Polkadot currently sitting at around £5 and their price hitting £40 in November 2021 think I will keep hold seeing it as an established cryptocurrency with good plans going forward

(If new to Revolut can sign up here with my link)

Revolut Learn and earn courses

So there are two separate courses to get your free Polkadot. If you log in to your revolut app

I saw the link on suggested for you ‘Learn and earn’ or instead you can go to the ‘hub’ scroll to utilities then learn and you will find the learn and earn opportunities.

There are currently 2 separate courses. 1) Crypto basics worth $4 and Polkadot course where you can earn $10.

There is no risk if you do the quizzes if you get them wrong you can try again. But if you do want all the answers they are all below. I found the videos and explanations interesting, but I learned a lot.

Course 1: Crypto basics

Lesson 1: Crypto vs Fiat worth $1 free of Polkadot 

  1. What is Fiat money?

Answer: Government-issued money 

  1. What is the main difference between fiat currency and cryptocurrencies?

Answer: Cryptocurrencies are decentralised fiat money is controlled by a central authority 

  1. Who validates transactions on the blockchain? 

Answer: Special users called miners or validators 


Lesson 2 Cryptography in crypto? Worth $1 of Polkadot

  1. Why is cryptography important in cryptocurrencies? 

Answer: It removes the need for a central authority, prevents double spending and adds security

  1. What are private and public keys

Answer: A public key is like your account number and your private key is like your password

  1. Which statement is true about private and public keys?

Answer: It is impossible to find out a persons private key by looking at their public key.

Lesson 3 Basics of blockchain – Worth $1 of Polkadot

  1. What is a blockchain?

Answer: A decentralized database 

              2. Who can view the blockchain?

Answer: Anyone with a computer and the internet

                3. What makes the blockchain different from a regular database?

Answer: It is not controlled by a central party and can be viewed by anyone. 

Lesson 4: 

  1. What regulatory protection does a crypto asset have?
    Answer: None – Crypto is unregulated in most countries around the world. 

  2. How much can you lose by buying crypto?
    Answer: everything – The value of your investment could fall to zero 

  3. When Wouldn’t It Be Right to Buy Crypto?
    Answer: If you are in debt or you can’t afford to lose more than you invested 

    Course 2: Polkadot

    Lesson 1: intro to Polkadot

  1. What are some limitations of early blockchains like Bitcoin?
    Answer: Slow transaction speeds, high fees, and inability to communicate with other blockchains 

  2. What is Web 3.0?
    Answer: A new web built around decentralized technologies where users have more control over their data 

  3. How does Palkadot circumvent some of the limitations of previous blockchains?
    Answer: It allows multiple blockchains to communicate with each other and process transactions at the same time 

    Lesson 2: How Polkadot works

  1. What is a relay chain?
    Answer: A blockchain that connects other blockchains and allows them to communicate 

  2. What is a parachain?
    Answer: A blockchain that connects to the relay chain and works in parallel with other parachains 

  3. What problems do parachains and relay chains solve?
    Answer: The inability of blockchains to communicate with each other 

    Lesson 3: Who decides the future of Polkadot

  1. Who can vote for new initiatives like network upgrades on the Polkadot Network?
    Answer: People who hold a DOT token 

  2. What is Polkadot’s “On-Chain Treasury”?
    Answer: A pot of tokens that can be used to support projects that benefit the network 

  3. How does Polkadot’s governance system different from some other popular blockchains?
    Answer: It is governed by a community through voting 

    Lesson 4: Dot Token

  1. What is the name of Polkadot’s native crypto token?
    Answer: DOT 

  2. What does staking your DOT tokens mean?
    Answer: Helping secure the network by locking DOT tokens in exchange for a reward in DOT tokens 

  3. What does “bonding” your DOT tokens mean?
    Answer: Locking up tokens to secure a slot for your parachain on the relay chain 

    Lesson 5: Polkadot and its uses

  1. What are some use cases of Polkadot?
    Answer: NFTs, DeFi, Powering Smart Cities 

  2. What makes applications built on Polkadot different from the apps on your phone?
    Answer: Polkadot apps don’t need to rely on a middleman to  work and can keep your data safer

  3. How do apps on parachains communicate?
    Answer: Via the relay chain 

When do you get your Polkadot?

Job done you will now find your $14 of free Polkadot in your crypto wallet which is now all yours easy as that. No waiting around can use it straight away.

If so wish you can also sell it straight away within Revolut

$ 1.15
$ 1.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago
