Quidco sweet 16 get an extra £16 cashback

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3 years ago

Quidco's sweet 16th birthday

https://www.quidco.com/raf/8606594/ is celebrating its 16th birthday this weekend and with it a generous £16 on all of their compare products. But be quick offer expires on Sunday 16th May at midnight

Meaning all of the offers are boosted if you spend £20 on any of the compare products.

Just treat it like any other comparison site, click through quid co and if you purchase any of them you will get an additional £16 cashback on top of all of their offers.

First, you need to opt-in from the banner and then compare the different products if you decide to purchase the bonus will be automatically applied.


Car insurance: normally £35 now £51

Home insurance: normally £28 now £44

Van insurance: normally £37 now £53

Pet insurance: normally get up to £20 now get up to £36

Travel insurance: normally get up to £27 now get up to £43

Motorbike insurance: normally £23 now £39

Electricity: normally £20 now £36

Gas: normally £20 now £36

Dual Fuel: normally £40 now £56

Broadband Home: normally get up to £171 now get up to £187

Broadband Business: normally get up to £82 now get up to £98

Broadband Mobile: normally get £20 now £36

Personal Loans: normally get £35 now £51

I shall be honest before I saw this bonus of £16 I didn't realise they had this compare service, very very decent money back.

They say the cashback will take less than 90 days after purchase as well not bad at all

New to Quidco?

Also if new to Quidco you can get an extra £5 cashback if sign up with my link and once you earn your first £5 cashback you will get the extra £5

Sign up here

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Email with any questions and I will be happy to answer them or help in any way on these offers or any of the money earners findings


$ 0.07
$ 0.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
