Oval is closing get your money out before 15th may

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3 years ago
Topics: Saving

One of my free money offers that I was advocating for a quick and easy fiver has closed down, or appears to be on the cusp, clicked on the app today to be greeted with the message.


as previously communicated (I have had no communication) , our partner MangoPay is no longer operating as oval's banking provider so your account currently has limited functionality. You have until May 15th to withdraw your savings. From that date onwards you will need to contact mangopay directly at support mangopay.com in order to withdraw"

Bit annoying, but at least my withdrawal came through quick I only had a fiver in there, but would likely have lost my referrals now.

It was a good little app but seems something has happened

But get your cash out while it is easy to do so, don't think it is at risk at all, just for convenience do it now.

Their website makes no mention, the FAQ's are all old.

Can't see anything else on what is going on, it may return, but likely they will have lost a bit of faith.

I have now completely deleted my account.

But still was good money while it lasted nice little free £5 but gone now

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
3 years ago
Topics: Saving
