More free crypto get 0.04 bsv + more for just downloading app

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
3 years ago
Topics: Earn crypto

Who wants another free crypto deal?

Tough you are getting one

If anyone was ever aware of ZUMO before they will remember their amazing offer where you got 0.02 eth just for downloading the app, that was a mega airdrop. Very easy to do.

Well it is back, the offer isn't as great as before but it is free crypto.

This time you get 0.04 Bitcoin SV currently valued at £3.30 something like that but who on earth knows where it will go to in time.

The deal

The sign up is incredibly easy

1. Download the app

2. Use referral code: RSYTN

3. Verify your account

4.Once you've signed up add your own friends get more bsv for each sign up

What is zumo?

So it is a mobile wallet, I shall be honest not keeping much on there at all at the moment, but you don't have to, you can transfer it to an exchange and sell or to another wallet, or keep it in there.

Smile - No hidden fees

A flat 0.5% exchange fee that will make you really smile

We’re on a mission to make buying and selling cryptocurrencies cost less for everyone. We promise to keep our fees as low as we possibly can - all while ensuring you are in control of your assets.

They do also offer a zumo card but with the fees not for me either

But for free crypto this is a great deal.

There are lots of good deals at the moment for some free crypto

1) Cake DEFI - I have already written about cake - defi this week with the opportunity to get some free crypto

  • Great offer to get $50 for a deposit of $50 plus of crypto which can be instantly withdrawn

  • I tried to sign up my girlfriend but she has no passport only a driving license so no joy for her

  • It can be quite complex if your new to it, but it really is very simple if get stuck let me know

Quick guide here

The Cake Defi bonus has been one of the best ones out there for a while, and it has now just got even better for new customers and for referrals

Enter. code 919426 to get the bonus

Simple to do 

Sign up deposit of $50 of any crypto (do a bit more to ensure price fluctuations and fees don't dip it below
verify details
Get bonus hold for 6 months
Withdraw your deposit straight back

This is seriously easy money
Any questions let me know

For full instructions read here

2) Ziglu have also boosted their offer from £5 - £10 for a couple of days get £10 for just a £1 deposit it is so easy to do.

Guide here

BOOSTED FREE MONEY: Get £10 of crypto for a £1 spend and get Ziglu app

Sign up with invite link -

Download the app

Top-up account with £1

Buy £1 worth of crypto

Get £10 free Can be instantly withdrawn back to your bank

Tell your friends get £10 each!!!

That is it simple as that

For more crypto sign up deals check out this page (a massive work in progress at moment)

For more money earning methods, subscribe on here;
Follow me on Twitter
Or check out the website
Medium -

Email with any questions and I will be happy to answer them or help in any way on these offers or any of the money earners findings

$ 1.68
$ 1.68 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
3 years ago
Topics: Earn crypto
