Lego 2019 Speed champions investment: Would we have doubled our money again?

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago

I have been looking at Lego speed champions sets of old. Seeing how they performed post retirement to see if we would have hit our return on investment target. We have already seen from previous years that this was very obtainable


What is my Lego investing strategy?


Very simple really we buy discounted Speed Champions sets (targeting 20-30% off RRP) while they are on the market.

Then after retirement we plan to hold until it hits our investment goal. (Targeting 12 months post retirement). I then send these sets into Amazon FBA and after fees we sell them, with Amazon doing all the hard work for me.


The previous years have shown this is incredibly easy to obtain, we have been looking at the specific sets to get a good understanding of which ones are the best for this target. In order that we meet our goals on the purchases of the current sets





Lego 2019 Speed champions sets


There was 6 sets in 2019 that were released. The biggest difference in the 2019 sets is that their time on the market is different with some sets being on the market for 2 years and 6 months. Where the others from past years almost all across the board came out in march and retired the following December.


This means the hold would potentially be longer. With some sets retiring July 2021 we haven’t yet seen a year post retirement. But will be interesting to see if Christmas time in the same year see equally good returns.


75890 Ferrari F40 competizione £12.99 RRP Release 01/01/2019 Retiement 31/07/21

This is one of the first sets that I picked up whilst on the market. It was available a lot at argos at 2 for £15 so £7.50 each. The ones I picked up I boosted my argos discount with a loyalty scheme and got for £7.05 or 40% off. This was discounted for such a long period of time as well.


After retirement so Q4 2021 you could have sold for £21 easily this would have got you 100% discount. I sold mine for a few pound cheaper, should have held out for more I made 70% profit but certainly could have been more.


It is still sitting at £20+ on Amazon so will be interesting to see what happens this year I highly expect it to reach the same marker of £30+ and get 100% ROI. But I think because this was discounted at such a rate for such a long time many resellers would have snapped up.



 75891  Chevrolet Camaro £12.99 RRP Release 01/01/2019 Retirement 31/07/21


Again another longer lifespan for this set as well.


This set could be picked up for sub £10 on amazon a few times, and would hit our discount target.


A good indicator for this set is reviewing the charts when it went out of stock and in 2020 was hitting high 20’s.

This set is currently at £21+ so not quite at our 100% marker we need to be closer to £30 but again I would wait and see what it does later in the year. But it is certainly already on the right track. Again likely selling in Q4 it would have been possible to hit 100%, if you had sold earlier and expect the same this year


75892 Mclaren Senna £12.99 RRP Release 01/01/2019 Retirement 31/07/21

Again another set that retired in July 2021.

This set you would have wanted to pick up at £10 which it was often on the market at.


Quarter 4 would have hit your 100% marker and currently at £23+ this set will certainly hit the target maybe little more than 12 months. But would be happy if bought this set looking at where it is at.


75893 Dodge challenger and dodge £34.99 RRP Release 01/01/2019 Retirement 31/07/21

Again on the market for a healthy period. These bigger sets have often shown that it is bit harder to get 100% and not soared to the same heights of 4-5 times their RRP like in previous years.


The discount is similar to similarly priced sets at about £27.99 (20%) But feel for these bigger sets I would be wanting a bit of a bigger discount to ensure my 100% within my time frame.


This set post retirement is only pushing £40 so we are nowhere near our marker yet. Will we get there later this year I certainly see it going higher but we need to be getting to £80+ for solid ROI so long way to go. Will be interesting to look at.


75894 Mini cooper s rally and Mini John cooper £44.99 RRP Release 01/01/2019 Retirment 31/12/20

This set has had 12 months post retirement. With 6 month less time on the market than the other sets.


The first time we have seen a Mini set. Which I think would have been big for collectors.


Again the disocunts were not much better than 20-25% discount at roughly £34.99.  


But a year after retirement we could have expected £80-85 so pushing 100% comfortably currently at £75. The more scarce this set comes I think the more it could go up.


But again indicating that the bigger sets slightly harder to hit our marker than the cheaper sets. (Unless you could snap up at much bigger discounts)


But still a good investment.


75895 Porsche 1974 911 turbo 3.0 12.99 RRP Release 01/08/2019 Retirement 31/07/21

A completely different time on the market this one. 2 years on the  market and currently less than a year post retirement.


But a popular and collectible set being a Porsche these sets have notoriously done well in past years.


Could have picked this set up for £8.50 on amazon.


It is now performing at £26 currently so certainly a 100% mark up on your investment post fees. Id expect this to do even better end of the year.


Again a sign that the smaller sets are where the money is at. Even with lesser discounts.



There we have it, bit more projection with 2019 sets as they have not long since retired. But good investments it appears the smaller sets hitting our prices already with the bigger ones hopefully more to come.


This with the minimal discounts again often in retail clearances, much bigger discounts are at times possible.


Next time 2020 sets which we will see in their similar retirement period how they are doing.


But the life of these sets poses a dilemma when you buy. Certainly never in the first 12 months. But should you wait for a second year. The past has shown us that would be too long. But you can normally get a good indicator on retirements a bit early.


But this shows the need for Lego investing to not be a quick buck buy and hold here is the key. I would much rather but my money into some Porsche or Ferrari speed champions sets than I would into tesla or bitcoin.

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$ 0.85
$ 0.85 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago
