How I earned £700 extra income in January with side hustles, and the work towards much more!

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago
Topics: Earning, Income, Blogging

The beginning of another year and the dream of earning £10,000 extra cash profit from our various means.

This year is one that I really want to put the work into building up some different revenue streams where the big profit may take a while longer to come in.

But I still want some money to be coming in, so will still be using the old trusty methods before of, Surveys, user testing, cashback and others. But the biggest change is focusing more on this money earning methods that are worth my time. So, it will be interesting to see how it plays out over the course of the 12 months. Nervously it will all be for a big push in Q4 so the work must start to see some lovely returns later on in the year.

Targeting that 10,000 extra in cash profit is going to be a big ask, but I am right up for the challenge.

January Earnings: Cash £568.10, Vouchers £94.69, Crypto £48.86

  • Surveys Cash £170.54 - Vouchers £45

  • Market Research £120

  • UserTesting £47.80

  • Competitions: Cash £38 - Vouchers £19.44

  • Cashback Vouchers £16.25

  • Referrals and signups £11.23 cash - £14 vouchers

  • Website and blogging platforms Cash £5.05 Crypto £8.89

  • Cake Defi £37.97 of crypto DFI

  • KDP £48.20 profit

  • Amazon associate £127.28


Surveys earnings: Cash £170.54, Vouchers £45

Surveys are my oldest and most consistent way of earning extra money online, focusing more this year on the sites with better rates of pay, but will still have a peruse of the others for good-paying studies.

But if you were only going to sign up for some, the top 4 are the way to go. The others I tend to do in spare minutes free either in queues, commuting or on my break avoiding eye contact with colleagues. Great to dip in and out of.

Yougov £50
Populus £50
Lifepoints £50
Panelbase £11.30
Swagbucks £5
Qmee: £2.48
Curious cat £1.16
Citizen me £1

Voucher survey earnings

Random study £15
MSR iPhone app £10
Jupiter £5
TRP £5

Market Research £120

Market research projects are great if you can get into them, they have a great rate of pay, The one I completed in January took 3 hours and paid me £120 in cash to talk about football. Was actually a really interesting but huge rate of pay.

I will be happy if can get one study of this size a month. But struggle with time to do it. Only applied for a few in January for this reason

But check out the market research page for the sites to sign up to and the rules that I follow.


Usertesting £47.80

Intellizoom £34.69

Usertesting £14.19

Decent amount of studies nearly hitting the £50 mark, love these as again for the time they take 5-10 minutes, you get paid well for them. £3-8. Hoping to grab a few more rest of the year.

Competitions £28 cash £19.44 vouchers

Something a bit different now, but I would consider competitions a good source of extra money although not guaranteed, you hear stories of people entering bucket loads of competitions and winning big prizes.

The first one was Skybet, which I got a free £5 bet (considering I don't gamble at all on there at all I was surprised) - I shoved it on a three-way bet and came up trumps. Yes, lucky but you make your own luck. £20

The second one Pokerstars is linked to the profitable cashback I have spoken about before, this one you got £25 through oh my dosh for signing up and depositing and wagering £10. Just so happens that after I met the wagering requirements I was still up, so I will get the cashback through oh my dosh as well as the profit. Again not guaranteed but no risk of losing money, and I was fortunate to get £28 winnings so £18 profit with £25 pending from oh my dosh


Free jackpot £19.44 in vouchers

Free jackpot is a new site that I signed up to end of December, you can get free tickets for their prize draw each day, all I do was click on their games and leave it in the background get 100 tickets a day, and through the signup bonus and lots of £1 win, I hit a rather lovely £19.44.

Cashback: £16.25 vouchers

Love rewards £15 from signing up to a free site on there and some other free earnings

Zilch £1.25 spending money, from a purchase on amazon

Referrals £11.23 cash - £14 vouchers

Twig £4 - Get £5 for signing up for free and activating your free card

20 cogs £7.23 - a great way of making extra money, some people who signed up with my link must have cashed out

Money dashboard £4 vouchers - get £4 amazon voucher for signing up to this free mobile app

Zilch £10 voucher - £10 free for referrer and referee, by signing up to zilch for free and linking bank card to zilch card all for free.

Website and blogs £13.94 (cash equivalent)

Definitely, something I want to grow a bit more this year as the earnings are measly, getting bit more consistent and improving my quality and SEO to spread my wisdom to the masses (or something like that)

The posts I make on this website I also post on other platforms which offer small earnings. I have also added adsense auto ads because I am a big sell out and made a measly sum. But every easy to set up and hopefully if I become better in every way I may trickle in few more visitors which will help.

Adsense £1.96 0.0350389 worth of bitcoin cash  £7.46
Publish ox - offers two different assets for rewards on their site
Farm 0.0074001 £0.60
Ampl 1.1654 £0.83
Medium £3.09 - all of a sudden my old medium articles blew up well simmered briefly, not going to make me rich but nice to be picking up some readers

Cake Defi - £37.97 worth of DFI

Sorry, I am going to talk about Cake Defi again, still think this was one of the best money earning offers last year. Give you $30 worth of free DFI tokens for well free. This offer is still available and you can follow the step by step process on my cake defi page.

With my DFI rewards and small initial investment. I have staked all of my DFI and continue to roll it over, I think this is a project that will do well. (But this is only my thoughts) But it is offering good returns at the moment.

This month I earned 12.035 DFI for a referral as they are offering a bonys 8 DFI if you sign anyone up.

Also then through the staking of my own coins I also got a further 7.7 DFI. I did however throw this straight back into staking. This is probably a risky investment as who knows what will happen in the crypto world. But a project I like and am confident in we shall see.

Crypto market took a big hit this month so the 19.78 DFI was worth at the end of the month £37.97. The price per token at time of writing is £1.91, at the beginning of the year it was £2.42 and in December it reached its ath at £4 so who knows what this extra 19 DFI will be worth at end of year.

Find out more about cake defi here

Pynk £16.32

A random one that I have spoken about before, pynk prediction game I have been playing for a long time and in 2021 got over £100 put into an investment portfolio and every 3 months this gets topped up a little bit more depending on how my predictions have gone. Nice little top up to the retirement fund.

Amazon associate £127.28

Always looking for other ways of making extra money and stumbled upon amazon associate, where get paid commission if people click through to amazon through my link and make a purchase. Unsure if this month was a bit of a fluke. With some big big sales from one click making up half.

But I was putting amazon ads up on website and posting the Lego deals I was looking at on twitter so made sense to apply to be an affiliate for amazon and get paid for the links I share.

In comparison to ad sense this is a much better advertising income. But again we shall see how we get on next month.

Kdp £48.20 Earned from selling notebooks

Down from the dizzying heights of december I wasn't sure what to expect in January. But 56 books sales for the month of january. I was quite happy, seen as I thought most of them being planners and gift notebooks would only do well for Christmas.

After expenses which this month was our new canva membership of £10.99 our profit of £48.20, and considering these all cam from books that were created last year it feels pretty good. But they won't sell for ever by their nature. So I need some creations that will sell all year round and for a long time to come.

We have only uploaded a few more notebooks in January and spent most of our KDP time making a Wordsearch book. I have researched the niche and similar products and think am offering something bit different, so with it going live just at the end of  janaury hope to see some sales before February is out. It was a big learning curve on how to make something more substantial.

If this does well should be more to come already got some ideas for the next one.

Thanks for your time, hope these methods give you some good ideas of the ways of making money online, and hit me up with any questions always happy to help.

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$ 4.91 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago
Topics: Earning, Income, Blogging
