Earnings for may £323.75 (0.71 BCH)

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3 years ago

I have got a question for you all? How the hell is it June?, where has may gone? where has the year gone?

This month seems to have gone quick, but again it has been another positive month for money-earning. Trying to make £500 a month from savings and earning.

I can usually afford about £200 from my paycheck to save each month so the rest has to come from money-earning.

For a fun little task I am calculating my money not just in pounds but in my favourite currency of the moment Bitcoin cash, if I didn't have plans for my money in the short term, I would be putting a lot more into it than I am at the moment, but still topping up my BCH every now and then. Hoping my modest amount will grow as well. Certainly not financial advise just my humble opinion, seeing a lot of good things from BCH more I use it the more I see it's utility. (Anyway back to the money earning

It wasn't exactly the best month for me but a very solid one £323.75, I am happy with it, but always looking for more. On top of this amount, I have also done 10 hours overtime, which should be quite a healthy sum. As well as hopefully some lego investments that will help my money grow in the future. If I could earn this each month I would be happy, maybe just little bit more so we had £300 cash, otherwise targets may not be met.

But anyway here we are all of the sites that I have earned money from, as always any referral bonuses are disclosed and a honest appraisal of the website completed. Adding a bit more meat to the bonus in this monthly report.

Populus £50.00 (0.11 BCH) - Full review here

The king of surveys rises again, and frustratingly I was just £1 away from being at withdrawal status for both sites, lots of good studies, in second account I got 47 studies in one, and 26 from account 1. Excellent as always.

Always a very good earner

Sign up here (no referral)

Lifepoints £45.00 (15 from one account 30 from another account) (0.096 BCH) - Full review her

Another good solid month, lots of surveys and decent time to complete, well paid, one small worry with lifepoints this month is I have had quite a few that have been successful but not been paid, this usually happens and get paid by end of month but nothing yet so we shall see, but I am confident that these will also get paid - might need to keep track of these much more.

Sign up here (no referral)

Panelbase £39.60 (£29.30 from 1 account 18.30 from 2nd)

A rare month when both of the panelbase log in have got to withdrawal which was rather promising, lots of good studies this month and earnt a decent amount, will always be in the top 3. The fact that you can have two users in the same household is really good

Sign up here and start off with £3 (no referral for me)

Branded surveys £4.42 via PayPal

Redemption was reduced this month from 1,000 points (10 dollars) to 500 points (5 dollars)

This is one of the surveys so far down my survey list, and that is because to be brutal it is a pile of stinky smelly rubbish, the surveys are time-consuming and brimful of screen outs - It is survey companies like this that give other sites a bad rep, this is not what survey companies need to be like, this is not how to earn money online.

That being said one redeeming feature the daily poll and profile polls and that is what has got me to redemption, each day you can click the daily poll and get 5 points (5 cents) I like it as it does all add up, over a year that is $18.25 - £12.86 or 0.027 BCH at time of writing, not bad for a quick click once a day, bookmark the page and pop it on your todo list, and it will all add up. But honestly I wouldn't bother with the surveys

Sign up here if you like me love a quick daily poll - ( I get some points if you are a silver member i.e do more surveys but in all honesty I would not bother, it is just not worth it to do the surveys.

Intellizoom: £35.24 - (0.074 BCH)

Another cracking month from intellizoom, it didn't seem like the biggest month for them not as many, but as always steady, after my one that got rejected I have been mindful to make sure to do them at a time more suitable. But I am now using 4 different user testing sites, that i am checking daily and intellizoom is far and above the rest.

(2 or 3 studies from may that not been paid for yet so not counted obviously)

Sign up here - No referral

Usertesting £7.01 - 0.015BCH
- I have just one paid survey this month so not great I have completed a second that I am awaiting payment for so hopefully that will be forthcoming
Sign up here - no referral

Userlytics £7.01 - 0.015 BCH
Same again just one little test completed on userlytics, seems lots available but I am just too slow it appears so hard to get on to, but new to me so trying to be better at checking them
Sign up here no referral

I am hoping to do much more with user testing at the moment so keep an eye on my page for further updates - Check it out here - https://themoneyearner.co.uk/user-testing

Clickworker: Redeemed £18.88 (0.40 BCH)- another £29.99 waiting to become payable

An excellent month from Clickworker this month, my favourite micro working site, was deliberately checking it out every day and completed some sentence recording pieces of work that took about 5-10 minutes a time for £1-2, and a couple of surveys, but the biggest earner by far was the 3 eye recording studies I did, Ive done these a few times.

Essentially all you do is do a quick eye-tracking test (its got miles better), then read some articles for 10 minutes, complete a very short survey boom done €15.00 coming your way.

They do these sporadically, whether there will be more I don't know, but I have probably done them about 8 times in total.

Reminder: for Clickworker, when you do the studies make sure to get the code at the end of the Study so that you can get your rewards, in past I've closed too quickly lost my code and no money for me. Also, jot down your Clickworker Id somewhere when doing it on phone some studies you need to enter your ID and can be a pain if not got it at hand.

Sign up here if interested ( I get a €5.00 bonus if people sign up and earn €10.00) one of the few exceptions to if you get a good bonus it is not worth it I would say

Askable £20.00 (0.042 BCH)

I managed to squeeze my way into a market research study on one of my days off, this was a quick study room about half an hour having a chat with a lovely man, whilst talking about finance applications I think it was, Good solid £20 Earnt for half an hour worth of work, the screening probably took about 5 minutes, they haven't had loads of studies this month, a couple I was not at all suitable for but well worth signing up.

Reminder for this one which nearly made me lose out, if you get invited to a study and you need to do a test of mic and video do this straight away, I left until last minute and my place had gone luckily they had a cancellation and I snuck in.

Sign up with askable here (no referral)

Citizen me: £1.50

The fun little app with very short and snappy polls that can earn 10 p at a time, always like this one as its very little effort for when they are available. I did have a bit of a bigger study this month worth £1.20.

Not going to make you rich this one but worth having on your phone

Sign up here - (no referral)

Neevo £3.52 (0.0075 BCH)

Did a couple of the transcription studies and testing AI sounds but got very bored and some didn't get paid for so not going to bust a gut with these any more. But some people prefer this kind of work

If you want to give this a try sign up here (no referral)

QMEE £8.09 (0.018 BCH)

A not so great month for QMEE but slogging our way through a couple of surveys just doing the quick ones as otherwise just not worth my time.

Not the mighty survey company it once was, but don't forget those searches as well

Sign up here if interested (We each get 50p)

Swagbucks £5.00

Poor month from Swagbucks again, I go on once a day, see if there is any good surveys few are worth doing, and a lot of the ones I attempt are instant screenouts

Still a fiver not bad, lots of other offers around if just starting out though, and with low payout £5 (700 points easy to get to

Sign up here I get 300 Swagbucks - but it may not be worth your time, not the best anymore

Ideas trial £24.00 (amazon voucher) - got from a facebook study about alcohol this was the last study took 10 minutes the bonus was doubled because completed within 24 hours

Noise.cash 0.0052425 BCH (£2.39)

Not bad for just posting nonsense like I would on twitter paid in BCH, very good happy community with less spamming now.

Read.cash 0.0324732 BCH (£14.81)

Not bad haven't been as active this month from my writing and payouts haven't been as good, but need to ensure that I deserve them from now on.

i-say £10.00 (amazon voucher)

Few decent surveys again not bad good amount earned, surveys are quite long however and not as high earners as others but not bad

Sign up here - I get points but not sure how much

Leo finance £5.66 worth of leo tokens

Earnt a few LEO tokens for posting on my blog as well, find it harder to write up than I do on read.cash but little bit earned from my crap writing

Cake DEFI referrals £21.34 (Defi)

Got 3 folks signed up to Cake Defi, transfer $50 of crypto in a single transaction get your $30 worth of Defi locked in for 6 months and transfer your crypto back out easy peasy

$30 of  DFI with CAKE
Get $30 worth of DFI for temporarily transferring $50 of crypto into cake (Dash is cheapest for fees) then transfer out if so wish. (Need to hold the DFI for 6 months and then it's yours if you want it)
Sign up here

Well, I am modestly satisfied with this month but has always we want to go for more next month, keep following for seeing how the journey goes.

Also going to hopefully post another article on the things I am doing to help my money grow in the last month as well.

Have a great bank holiday and enjoy the sunshine I am off to work :(

For more money earning methods, subscribe on here;
Follow me on Twitter
Noise.cash https://noise.cash/u/Themoneyearner
Or check out the website www.themoneyearner.co.uk
Medium - https://themoneyearner2020.medium.com/

Email with any questions and I will be happy to answer them or help in any way on these offers or any of the money earners findings


$ 3.99
$ 3.99 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
3 years ago
