December 2021, How I earned £1,000 from my spare time

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago

Earning report £1017.86

December was the month, that many of my earning exploits that I have been building in the previous year came to fruition. Earning lots of extra money from home and online.

We had our best KDP month for no content books that we had created since September. This was always the plan and the hope, with Christmas gifting at its peak. If the books I had created weren't going to sell in this month they never were. Although modest in comparison to others. Was still an excellent month for KDP.

The lego investing we had been doing since the beginning of the year, served us really well cashing in on the festive season, with some of our retired lego sets. This was a little bonus as originally the plan for many was to sell in 2022. But with some hitting close to our return on investment goals. It was time to cash in and raise a bit more capital for reinvesting for next year.

The old trusty methods that have kept us ticking through this year and many previously helped our bank balance immensely. Surveys, user testing, market research, sign up offers and others have been consistent earners and December was no different.

So once again with the month coming to an end here is our full breakdown of the past month. With a more in-depth look at the whole year coming soon. As well as further breakdowns of specific money earning methods.

For now though December and what it brought...

Total earnings post all fees and expenses are as follows:

Total earnings: £1017.86

Surveys: £174.18

Vouchers: £10 (amazon voucher)

Usertesting: £61.34

Market research £160

Cashback £15

Referrals and sign ups: £47.74 (£42.74 cash and £5 voucher) Plus $10 of crypto (DFI)

Lego investing profit: £192.26

KDP: £377.34


Surveys: £174.18


Lifepoints: £90.00

Lifepoints had an amazing month this month, with my 2 accounts we had an abundance of surveys at the beginning of the month, with lots of big paying diary projects as well that really boosted my income. Paid in cash via Paypal. The year with lifepoints has been huge and as the earnings will show throughout the year a very profitable site to use for earnings

Sign up here (no referral)


Populus £50.00

Our target of £50.00 a month for the year for Populus came agonisingly close, sitting on £47 on the 2nd account meaning just £3 away from the threshold for payment.

Never the less a huge year for Populus, great paying surveys and normally frequent although this month was just a little under. A sense of this quarter is a little slower than most.

But if you are serious about earning money online, for the time the surveys take, it is definitely needed to have Populus live in your armoury.

Sign up here (no referral)

Clickworker £14.64

A few surveys and studies done on clickworker in the last month became payable, £14.64 in the bank as extra money. This is a great site to earn some extra money online. I only really like their user tests and surveys which are sporadic, to say the least, but good to have on your to-do list to check out and partake in the worthwhile studies

Sign up here

Panelbase £10.30

A slow month for Panelbase but hitting our threshold with one account (just) - but always a good 'time for money' with these surveys and some great opportunities for bigger projects. Another very consistent player this past 12 months.

Sign up here (no referral but you can start off with £3)

Qmee £7.31

As I said in November, I could not stay away from QMEE, and again there were a few studies that made it worthwhile. Not massive amounts of money, but seeing a couple of surveys that were advertised for 5 minutes receiving over £1, is a go for me. Great to do on the move or whilst multitasking.

Sign up here (50p if you sign up I will also get 50p after the first withdrawal

Curious cat: £6.69

Another one I came back to after giving up hope. They had some of their ad viewing bigger paying studies which were great to do in my spare time. I don't touch the others as they are not worth the time and are littered with screenouts. These ones you can tell are a bit different from the banner on the survey. So you know to check out these 'tasks'

Swagbucks £5

Scrapped my way to another fiver, checking sporadically for decent-paying surveys. But getting to a threshold of 700 Swagbucks for a fiver. Time is better spent elsewhere, but keeping an eye on the big ones might get you a few pennies towards a payout, which I don't mind as they are well established and pay through PayPal quickly.

Citizen me £0.24

Just the two smal surveys that took a few seconds.


Receipt apps

These are something I started a long time ago when looking for any way possible to make extra money online. Take pictures of your receipts and get points that can be redeemed for cash. I have been doing this less and less, and could probably have gotten more if done religiously. But it is my other half who goes shopping, plus I used to throw them away before I had a chance to take the picture.

Still another £7 in to the savings pot

£5 from shoppix

£2 from Storewards

Voucher surveys £10.00

MSR £10 Amazon voucher

Same as last month just that daily survey is worth it - Other than the daily one no decent surveys of note

Download on the app store or google play and enter code Xjwz27cK to double your welcome bonus



Usertesting: £61.34

Usertesting: £22.17

Another very standard month for user testing, 3 paying studies.

Sign up here

Intellizoom: £39.17

A slightly better month with intellizoom still ticking along. Hope is for £30 for each of these user testing sites so could be better

Sign up here


Get amazon voucher free with oh my dosh

A step by step guide to get £10 amazon voucher and £1 cash with point voucher and oh my dosh I have said before...

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£5 free with Zilch

Get £5 free spending money with this incredible offer and sign up to Zilch for free.

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Get a £10 free sign up bonus with EverUp until 23:59 BST Sunday 12th September. No deposit needed is easy to do. Check out my review here

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Another way to get some free money from twig just sign up and verify and get £5 free, earn extra money through referral and selling clothes

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Get a Free share with free trade, simply for signing up and depositing £1, A great way to make some extra money online

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Get amazon voucher free with oh my dosh

A step by step guide to get £10 amazon voucher and £1 cash with point voucher and oh my dosh I have said before...

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Get a £10 free sign up bonus with EverUp until 23:59 BST Sunday 12th September. No deposit needed is easy to do. Check out my review here

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Market research: £160

Random study: I completed a random study that I want to say signed up through via panel base but not sure. Was about a sporting brand and there were a few diary questions and a couple of videos to post. All in all paid £160, I want to say took less than an hour in total. Excellent boost to my earnings. Going to make more of a conscious effort to account for my market research time, applications and see how much time spend in total. If got into more studies this would be my biggest earner. But difficult to get into them. When you see these opportunites, you snap them up they are great earners.


Cashback £15

£15 from oh my dosh, all of this was from referrals. £5 for each sign-up. They have an abundance of great 'free cashback' and 'profitable cashback' deals to boost your money. Excellent site and a firm favourite of the last 12 months.

Sign up here with oh my dosh


Referrals and sign ups: £53

Twig £4

A little referral crept in that must have not activated their card for the extra £5, but twig is still one of the easiest sign up offers around at the moment. read more here

Nuri: £42.74

This was a very good sign up offer with Nuri, formerly bitwala. If I opened an account and deposited 50 euros a month for 3 months and made 2 purchases with the card. I got a 50 euro bonus. Excellent offer and really easy to do. Unfortunately, I am not sure whether this offer is still valid.


Free jackpot

This was a random little one, free jackpot is a site where you get free tickets for their prize draw in a variety of ways. Playing games or spinning their daily wheel. I haven't won anything but from signing up you got a free £5 voucher which I got a Morrisons one. I think the referral offer has now dropped to £1 and their lowest voucher is £5 so no longer a guarantee of some free money. But a good chance of some earnings

Sign up and get 25 free tickets (same for me)

Cake Defi $10 worth of DFI token

I have been banging the cake drum all year and from referrals and the price of the token doing good things while staking I have accrued quite a decent amount of crypto from this offer. Still frozen so not turned to cash yet. But by signing up depositing $50 of crypto that can be withdrawn instantly you get $30 of free cake defi I got one referral this month which was worth about £7

Click here to learn more about the offer and how to maximise it


Lego investing £192.26

We sent in a few more retired sets of lego into Amazon to sell. All of 1 little item didnt sell. But we made an excellent clear profit of just under £200. This year was supposed to be all about buying so selling some little bits was not wholly expected.

Made good return of investment 70% and up, and once the vat refund gets processed should boost that ROI as well.

The real fun starts next year, expect more posts about lego in the future about my journey in 2021 and plans for 2022. This was an excellent way of making some extra money, and low on time taken. We have about £4,000 worth of stock that we are hoping many will sell in 2022 aiming for that 100% ROI on many sets.

KDP: £377.34

This is what I was waiting for in December, to see if the hard work paid off with the notebooks and planners that I had made. I sold a tonne load of books this month. My expense for the month was £2.51 on trying out some amazon ads. The rest all organic sales.

This will I expect to dry up now, but as validated my plan to kick on for 2022. Great earnings and a very satisfying feeling to see these notebooks that I made for free on canva selling really well over Christmas

On to the next year

2021 has been a great year, I have learned so much, pulled some more strings onto my money earning bow. Which although small I am confident of the potential. This is of course a lot of hard work gone into these methods. The hope of it becoming more and more passive. Earning enough to reach our target of being financially independent, buying our own house. With that clock ticking down to 40 years old, I am more determined than ever to get to the point where I can work for myself doing something I enjoy. Having a family to support, makes this difficult and leaves me working while the rest of the household is snoozing but I am sure the hard work will pay off.

We go into 2021 with a target of earning £10,000 cash profit from these methods and perhaps others. Focusing more on the ones that are worth my time.

Join me for 2022 and beyond to see how we get on.

As always thank you for reading


If any queries about any of them you can contact me here or via email or

Always more than happy to help



$ 1.10
$ 1.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago


You should have added more details about personal investment. It will makes us to decide more concisely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago