Day 11: Only the best surveys, Oh my dosh and top cashback sweet treats

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
3 years ago

Focused today more on the big survey sites, Mrs went to sleep early so I can be so much more productive smashed out the best sites and then left it at that, then trying to find more ways to earn some money. (Surveys were poor today)

Also day off tomorrow so need some me time I think, couple of whiskies watching telly and then playing some COD, I am so ridiculosly bad, I blame the alcohol, too much work and you will crash and burn and lose a week or productivity

Surveys total: 43 minutes for £4.85 check it out below not the best today. and not a great use of time.

Then day 11 of top cashback hummingbird game..... check out what we got

Now looking at other ways of making money

Two things today to think about


Populus Redemption £50 via bacs once a month
Account 1: 2 failed surveys they were already closed
Account 2: no surveys
Sign up here - no referral for me

Life points:
Account 1: Lots of surveys today but lots of failure earnt £2.05 time is still quite long but better than others today 15 minutes
Account 2: £2.08 15 minutes
Sign up here no referral

Account 1: one survey took 12 minutes got paid £1.15
Account 2: 8 minute survey on account 2 £0.65 long but hay
Sign up here no referral

Curious cat
£0.75 - part 3 of the same old survey none of the others worth it
Sign up here

Branded poll £0.03 just the daily poll again

£0.10 daily poll
Sign up here - referral code

half a credit 12.5p did really quickly
1 minute
Sign up here no referral

£0.05 did while in the lunch queue
Sign up here

Humming bird game

Day 11: clue monsoon.... more disappoint me just a prize draw entry

Earn money for your money:

Also topped up my LISA (lifetime isa) today another £700, which hopefully I will be using to buy a house in the next 3 -4 years, the journey is still early for us very much so, but I think we can do it. The LISA I think is a must if your going to buy a first home.

Can save up to 4,000 a year in there and the lovely people at the government will top it up with 25% - so the £700 I put in is actually a very nice £875.

I have very much come to terms that doing something with your money is the only way for it to grow, so you may see more of my thoughts on that in the coming weeks.

Step 1 was getting out of the debt which we are nearly on top of, now to make this money grow and turn life around from financial errors and frivolity, into security for my family. It is not going to be easy, but I am up to the challenge I think, time to break away from the rat race. My dream is to retire at 50 that is just 18 years away now, doable? I dont know? but I am going to give it a shot.

Profit from cashback:

Oh my dosh - sign up here (redeemed £22 this month no spend)

So after a poor earnings day today, went to look for some good ways of making some cash, cashback is always good there are opportunites for free cashback, and then there are also offers for profitable cashback.

There is always an element of risk as some times the offer wont click through or you will breach the terms and conditions. But being prepared and organised can often make profit if your happy to make.

So on the very quick look today I saw an offer on Oh my dosh, sign up to foxy bingo deposit and spend £5 and get £12.50 cashback, that is a return of 150% £7.50 profit, and a chance to get some more .

So thought id track my progress and see if it is worth it.

So I have signed up and deposited £5 time to play

The good news is as well, if we do ge the cashback which I am confident with, then there is also the chance (although a slim one that we can get money out of the bingo site as well) to be continued

For more money earning methods, subscribe on here;
Follow me on Twitter
Or check out the website

Email with any questions and I will be happy to answer them or help in any way on these offers or any of the money earners findings

Thanks for reading and hope having a good day

$ 0.45
$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
3 years ago
