Coinmarket cap: learn and earn quiz answers and free diamonds

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago
Topics: Earn crypto

I have been a bit quiet lately and missed the two latest learn and earn opportunites on coin market cap, but I have still been earning those diamonds so thought it time to write up two quick guides on the latest earning opportunities with all of the Tokocrypto and Folder protocol answers

 Tokocrypto – Chance to earn $2 worth of crypto and 50 free diamonds Expiry: 10/08/2021 (23:59:59 UTC)

“CoinMarketCap users can learn about Tokocrypto (TKO), and then take a short quiz. 

TKO Token reward will be distributed randomly to users amongst those who complete the quiz successfully before the campaign concludes.

Successful winners will receive $2 of TKO Token as a reward and 50 diamonds additionally.”

So not a guarantee that you can win, but let's learn about the new currency and get a chance at some, with these offers you never know where they will go to.

Tokocrypto coin market cap answers and guide:


With this quick guide, you can enter the quiz really quickly

1)   Go to this page and scroll down to the quiz

2)   Enter your coin market cap email address (Free to sign up if you haven’t already) -

3)   Enter your Binance ID – click here to find out how to find it (Binance is a crypto trading platform again free to sign up)

4)   Question 1: In what year was Tokocrypto established?
ANSWER: 2019

5)   Question 2: What is Tokocrypto Token called?
Answer: TKO / Toko token

6)   Question 2: What is Tokocrypto Token called?
Answer: TKO / Toko token

7)   Question 3: What kind of unique token is Toko Token / TKO ?
Answer: Hybrid token

8)   Question 4: As an exchange platform token, TKO offers airdrop entitlement, merchandise redemption, and ...*

Answer: All of the above

9)   Question 5: Where can you buy and trade TKO ?
Answer: You can buy TKO on Binance

10)                 Question 6: Utilities of TKO as a Hybrid Token are : Exchange Platform Token, CeFi and DeFi, Farming Pools, Lending Platform
Answer: Toko Mall (NFT)

11)                 Question 7: For Farming Pools what can users do with TKO? Users can lock/stake their TKOs and earn other tokens for free in a farming pool of their choice.
Answer: Yes

12) Then add toko token to your public watchlist: really easy to do
- Click add coins
- Then add your public watchlist which is the url address
- Should look like this

13)                 Click submit and then remember to scroll down and click submit form after filling in the captcha

14)                 Then you will see a thank you for completing quiz message and receive an email, and that is it.


Folder protocol: $10 of folder protocol and 50 diamonds – Quiz answers EXPIRY 2021.08.18 (23:59:59 PM UTC

 “This Folder Protocol Earn Campaign's reward pool is $200,000 of FOL Tokens. Successful users will receive $10 of FOL Tokens as a reward and 50 Diamonds additionally.


Folder Protocol "Learn & Earn" Campaign will run from 2021.08.05 (12:00 PM UTC) to 2021.08.18 (23:59:59 PM UTC). If you have not taken the lessons yet, please make sure to learn about Folder Protocol to complete the quiz!”

 Folder protocol learn and earn quiz answers: Expiry 18/08/2021 (23:59:59 PM UTC)

1)  Go to the learn and earn page and scroll down to the quiz

2)  Enter your coin market cap email address (Free to sign up if you haven’t already)

3)  Enter your Binance ID – click here to find out how to find it (Binance is a crypto trading platform again free to sign up)

4)  Question 1: What is Folder Protocol’s main objective?

Answer: Decentralized storage project with layer-2 solution as an incentive layer on top of IPFS

5)   Question 2: Which of the following is the name of Folder Protocol’s NFT platform?
Answer: Folkee

6)   Question 3: Which of the following problems does the Folder Protocol want to solve in traditional IPFS setup and configurations?
Answer: All of the above

7)   Question 4: Which of the following is NOT a benefit for $FOL holders on Folkee platform? *
Answer: Exchange for cash

8)   Question 5: Which of the following differentiates Folkee platform from other NFT platforms? *
Answer: Folkee gives back the NFT data ownership to the NFT creators and owners

9)   Question 6: What is ticker for Folder Protocol?
Answer: FOL

10)Then add your ERC -20 Wallet address (same as ETH address

11)Then add FOL token to your public watchlist: really easy to do
- Click add coins
- Then add your public watchlist which is the url address
- Should look like this

12)        Click submit and then remember to scroll down and click submit the form after filling in the captcha

13)        Then you will see a thank you for completing quiz, message and receive an email, and that is it.


Coinmarketcap Diamonds: Get diamonds daily for just logging in and collecting

So as well as some crypto we have also just earned some diamonds, which is the websites loyalty program each day can log in and get some free diamonds, which will be able to be redeemed for Merch, NFT’s and more

So in time I expect this opportunity to grow, at the moment I am just trying to get as many diamonds as possible, logging in each day and clicking collect diamonds, once every 24 hours.

$ 0.32
$ 0.32 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago
Topics: Earn crypto


I have been a piece calm recently and missed the two most recent learn and acquire opportunites on coin market cap, however I have still been procuring those more info " <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> " to review two fast aides on the most recent procuring amazing open doors with all of the Tokocrypto and Folder convention replies

$ 0.00
2 years ago