All the ways I earned money in March

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Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago

March was a good month in many regards earning money in a whole variety of ways.

We earned £591 all in clear profit. (£135 in vouchers and some in crypto which will likely stay in crypto) We were back with the Lego investing sales we started just a year ago so seeing return is fantastic.

The KDP side hustle I am feeling more motivated with as well now that trademark infringements are sorted. Not making loads but it is all progress. Then all of the usual money making methods my bread and butter are keeping the income ticking over.

We have got big plans to finally try and get that deposit, we are probably half way there. With that in mind with the exception of Lego I am not yet re investing profits in other tools for website and KDP. But hopefully next year.

So here it is our earnings for the month


Lego investing Profit after all fees £142.86

We sent in a solitary shipment with many items either just bordering our 100% ROI and some not quite there yet I don't envisage another supply going in April. So this will help with our buying of Lego around easter time where last year there were some great discounts. These are the sets that I sold this year.

75957 Bought for £18.49 Sold on amazon for £52 after all fees made 105% ROI after fees

60251 Bought for £4.50 each Sold on amazon for £18 137% ROI after fees

76168 Bought for £4.50 each sold for £20 174% ROI after fees

76898 Bought for £17.50 Sold on eBay for £42.43 on eBay 123% return on investment

Check out my Lego page for my plans, and research into investments

Kdp £63.45 profit

The same few books that performed well over Christmas are still trickling in with some sales. This month £63.45 worth and with no ad spend that is 100% profit. (Also popped canva on hold for the time being as well.

I have uploaded one puzzle book this month. The competition for such books does seem quite high but hoping I have found a niche and it will perform well in Q4 but only time will tell.

Got big plans for rest of year. Hoping to do some research over next month for notebooks and planners and some ideas for higher content books that again would hopefully do well at Christmas time. Past results have given me the motivation to keep going and seeing if we can double the money we made last year.

Check out my quick guides of what KDP is all about and how I made £450 in Q4 from notebooks and planners

Surveys £41.06

Not much from surveys this month just tipping over £40

We have lost our second lifepoints account so it may be hit, but I am confident I can keep going. Populus was so close to two withdrawals which would have added £100 but just not quite hit our target.

Lifepoints: £20 this month

Curious cat £5.56 But this is not a good use of my time, sometimes I do it whilst queuing with the video watching surveys but otherwise steer clear.

Testing time. £4 So rare got accepted into testing time surveys. But got a little one for £4

The viewers £9.50 for ‘watching a tv show’

Some other random piddly little bits on different panels

User testing £134.09

User testing was absolutely smashed this month with payments from intellizoom coming in think and fast.

Intellizoom £96

Usertesting £22.04

Clickworker £16.05

Cashback £5.53

Topcashback £5.53

Made couple of bigger purchases and took advantage of their gift card cashback again to get few extra quid

Vouchers: £135.25

We made a fair bit from vouchers this month as well

Thanks mainly to our consumer pulse withdrawal for £90. Loving this panel hope it never goes away

Consumer pulse £90

Amazon shopper panel £5.25

TRP £5

Jupiter £5

Random survey £10

Freejackpot £20 not bad for few minutes each day.


Competitions £11.55

Paddy power £10 free bet for Cheltenham (again I never bet cash anymore)

EverUp £1.55 not a huge amount but for keeping £30 in a cash account I will take that as a good interest for the free scrachcard games (hoping I got a referral which we will find out in couple of days.


Cake DFI 6.85 £23.90

For staking our cake dfi we earned an extra 6.85 DFI which is worth

Check out here how to earn free DFI for well free just follow my step by step plans


Luno £10 bitcoin

As a bitcoin pioneer, I have the privilege of sharing the word of bitcoin through Lunos platform and have a special code that gives new users £10 free bitcoin once they sign up and verify absolutely free.

With a solitary sign up I also get £10 as well. Excellent way to get started in bitcoin any questions let me know.

- Just download the app on app store or google play

- Verify your details

- Then on the rewards tab enter code BPJEVANS (Make sure you are verified before you use the code)

Blogging £23.31

Blogging money is still a slow burner but hay I enjoy what I am doing.

Medium £2.80

Adsense £1.66

Publish ox: £1.55 of crypto £17.30 worth of BCH converted to bitcoin

On to April

Happy with the month. Ready to go for more in april, with all the increases to energy, national insurance, fuel and well everything I am going to need it.

Also fingers crossed for a promotion at my place of work that I am hoping for so could be a big month in april for the 9-5 as well.

$ 2.60
$ 2.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Laurenceuuu
$ 0.01 from @borgminer
Avatar for Themoneyearner
2 years ago


Hey. this was a nice read and a lot of useful info, thanks I used previously for testing and it's a good pay but it has a bit of a learning curve, check them out. I'll definitely bookmark your website for future updates Best wishes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Appreciate the comments, I will certainly check out

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not bad for you! I have an account in Life points and I like it. I can't do anything in user testing, they said they are not accepting applications right now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Have you tried intellizoom?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not yet, just heard if from you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago